Chapter 13

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You gasped and then held your breath for a second. You couldn't believe what just happened. You were frozen in shock, your sleeve still half attached to your dress and a terrified look in your eyes.

You didn't know this woman yet she insulted you calling you a wh*re. And with only one sentence she made your whole world crumble into a million pieces.

"W-what?", you whispered with a shaky voice and tried hard to hold your tears back. You weren't going to cry in front of her.

"Oh, so you didn't know?", she said mockingly, a smug grin playing on her lips. "But I don't understand", you breathed trying to get a grip of the situation.

Was this woman lying to you because she was jealous? Or was she telling the truth and Jungkook only used you? But he seemed so sincere... did he know about this engagement? Did he love her?

"Of course you don't understand", she spat throwing death glares at you, "he was promised to me ten years ago when our dads founded the companies. They wanted to unite the companies with our marriage."

Now everything made sense. That's why his parents reacted so weirdly to you and that's what his father wanted to talk to him about.

Your hands were trembling when you desperately ran your fingers through your hair. What were you supposed to do now?

You liked him so much, you could even imagine a future with him until you found out that he was already engaged. You felt so humiliated. You came here thinking you were his girlfriend, but the only thing you were was a side chick.

You noticed how the tears built up behind your eyes and you seriously didn't want her to see you crying so you just ran off.

"Yea, you better run!", she yelled after you as you tried to leave as fast as you could in your heels covering your face embarrassed in your hands.

The hot tears started streaming down your face and you didn't actually know where you were heading to. You just wanted to leave this place so you kept running down the hallway until someone called out your name.

"Y/N!", you heard a familiar voice to your side. You turned around and spotted Seojun through your blurred vision.

"Oh God, what happened to you?", she asked worried and quickly walked over to you embracing you in her arms.

"I-I... I don't", you stuttered sobbing but you couldn't make a proper sentence because of the sadness which was slowly taking over your body.

"Shh, you don't need to explain", she reassured you rubbing your bag, "is there anything I can do for you?"

"Is-is there a-any way out?", you asked hoping tour tears wouldn't overwhelm you, "like a-a backdoor?"

"Yes, I saw one where the staff goes to smoke. I can take you home if you want", she offered and you gladly accepted nodding.

You didn't know what you would have done without Seojun. She didn't even ask any further questions until you told her the story while sobbing. You just wanted to go home, change and cry yourself to sleep. You couldn't deal with anything else.

Seojun drove you home and even stayed overnight helping you with everything even though you insisted that she should go home. But she wouldn't let up and eventually you were glad she was there for you.

She cooked for you and made sure you weren't going to drown in your emotions. She bought lots of chocolates and ice cream for you to eat while watching a film.

She even called in sick for you for at least the next three days. You couldn't face the people at work, let alone Jungkook. You didn't even know if you were ever going to return to work or just resign.

But it was hard for you to not think about him.

You felt like you still had some unfinished business even though it was clear there was no future for you. You didn't talk a single word to him since the company dinner. He had called you at least ten times each day for the last three days and sent you twice as much messages till you blocked him.

There was obviously something he really wanted to tell you. And the pathetic, naive part in you was still hoping it was all a lie or a bad dream. But you couldn't hold on to this hope, it would slowly eat you up from inside.

You wiped your tear stained cheeks with the back of your hand hoping sleep would overwhelm you so you wouldn't have to feel anything at all. But you couldn't.

The ringing of the door bell made you open your eyes again and shift in your position on the couch. You considered not even open the door at all because you were only dressed in your sweatpants and a hoodie and you weren't in the mood to talk to anyone.

But something made you get up and walk to the door. You didn't bother to look through the spy hole to check who it is and opened the door to get over with it as soon as possible.

"Sh*t", you cursed underneath your breath as you realised who was standing in front of you. Your breath hitched as your eyes slowly travelled up his body, to his lips and then met his eyes.

You felt a lump in your throat and gulped to not break down crying immediately. You wanted to close the door, but it was too late. You didn't break the eye contact and lost yourself in his dark orbs.

But then you took a closer look at him. He had dark circles under his bloodshot eyes. He was wearing an oversized black shirt and black sweatpants.

His eyes were filled with sadness and despair as if he was missing or longing for someone. He opened his mouth and closed it again groaning flipping his hair backwards before he spoke again.

"Y/N, please", he pleaded in a low voice taking a small step closer to you, "please don't push me away and listen."

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