Chapter 11

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"We are going to meet them?", you asked widening your eyes. He has just asked you to go out on a date with him and now you were supposed to meet his parents this weekend.

"Yes, I really want you to meet them", he said looking sincerely into your eyes, "they'll like you."

"I'm not sure if that's such a good idea", you said shifting in your seat. You really didn't feel comfortable with the idea. Right in that moment you reached the runway and the knot in your stomach tightened.

"Hey, Y/N", he said taking your hand again, "that's okay. Don't worry. I won't force you."
You exhaled deeply and squeezed his hand firmly. He knew that you were scared of the flight and he didn't want to push you any further.

"Come on, we can do this", he reassured you and you got out of the car. You boarded the plane behind him and looked at him insecure.

"Do you want to sit on my lap?", he asked noticing your look and smiled sheepishly. You nodded shyly and blushed slightly.

You put your bag down and he took your hand pulling you on his lap. You sat stiffly because you didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. You felt already guilty because of your phobia.

But he had other plans. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him burying his face into the crook of your neck.

"You smell so good", he mumbled against your skin and you smiled softly feeling his lips brush over your shoulder. The butterflies in your stomach fluttered nervously.

"So what's this company event anyway?", you asked trying to distract yourself from the impending take-off.

"It's a gala dinner for all the CEOs of the companies we work with or wish to work with", he explained rubbing your thigh.

"And if you want we can make it a date", he suggested winking at you.

"And why would you think I'd want to go to a company dinner with you?", you asked teasing him a little bit. It felt good talking to him since it got your mind off the flight.

"Because you will be wearing a pretty dress", he said smirking and you laughed. "That's the reason why you want it to be a date", you said rolling your eyes, "but why would I enjoy it?"

"Because I'll dance with you", he said. "Can you even dance?", you asked in disbelief. "Ah, excuse me. I'm a true gentleman, of course I can dance", he said poking your side to tickle you.

You giggled and almost didn't notice how you took off. Almost. You got startled and held tightly onto him resting your head against his chest. His calm breathing  soothed you a bit.

"It's okay", he said stroking your back and placed a gentle kiss on your hair.

"You know what I still don't understand", you said to distract yourself from your fear, "why did you take a taxi in the first place on the day we met? I'm pretty sure you have a personal driver."

"You got me", he said chuckling deeply, "I wanted to keep this a secret until we get married-" "What?" "-I'm joking. Relax", he said seeing your shocked face.

"Jungkook, stop it", you said smacking his arm playfully.

"So, as I was trying to say, I overheard your conversation on the phone that you wanted to get a taxi and I thought you were very pretty, so I decided to shoot my shot", he told you shrugging, "there was only one cab in sight, so I got in hoping you wouldn't get out immediately and get another taxi."

"Wow, you did that on purpose?", you asked surprised and laughed, "because you thought I was pretty?"

"Yea, you're very cute when you're angry. I couldn't help myself", he said showing off his bunny smile, "do you regret meeting me, hm?"
"No, not at all", you said quietly.

He lifted your face by putting his hand underneath your chin and led your lips to his. He kissed you as softly as a breeze in the summer as if he wanted to show you how much you meant to him. He broke the kiss but you still stayed in the same position lingering a bit longer.

"And why were you so cold to me on my first day of work?", you asked snuggling up to him.

"It's called professionalism, young lady", he said making you roll your eyes again. "Fine, very professional", you said chuckling, "you're going out with one of your employees."

"Watch your mouth, babe", he said piercing you with his dark eyes. His dominant side really turned you on. Maybe it's not that bad to go out with your boss.

"Or what?", you asked teasingly and got up from his lap. He looked at you confused. "Where do you think you're going?", he asked pulling you swiftly back.

"You just earned the honourable task to organize the company dinner", he said keeping you close to him.

"What? I'm not an event manager. I'm good at research and numbers", you whined and pouted. "Stop complaining. You asked for it and don't make me tell you twice", he said when you wanted to protest.

"Fine", you said crossing your arms, "but you'll be my date for that event."

"I would love to", he said tugging a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Will we be fine?", you asked quietly what was really on your mind.

"Yes, I promise, baby", he said without hesitating, "my parents will like you and I don't care what people think of us."

"But what if they think I slept with you for your money or for my career?", you said looking embarrassed to the ground.

"It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is you and me. You need to trust me", he said holding your hand.

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