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Chapter 2 : Shippers


            It was Wednesday and I’m joining the music class with all of my class mates. I really enjoy this class, Mr. Shane, our music teacher is awesome. He is very talented and such a genius. He usually asks me to play the piano in front of the whole class.

            “Alright students, we’re now learning about collaboration. As a guitar player, you, Mr.Horan,” He said as his finger pointed at Niall who was currently talking to me. “Yes, Mr.Shane,”.

“You have to come forward to show your friend what collaboration is. And so do you Styles, Malik, and Tomlinson.”

So the were come in front of the cass. But then a guy named Thomas interrupted tem. “Wait ! Miranda, you’re not coming with Harry ?”

“But Harry need your company, babe !” George joined

“Yeah, go for it ! Sing with Harry !” Add Chloe and some of the girls.

She flips her red hair and walked confidently in front of the class. The whole class cheer happily. All Mr.Shane could do was smile as wide as he could until he caught a glimpse of my unhappy face, I could barely heard him saying, “You’re coming too/”, I shook my head for no.

            Well that was just an example of how everybody ship Harry and Miranda, it’s so painful. Nobody knows that I love Harry, so they don’t care. The were all careless,all they can think was the gossips between Harry and Miranda is true ! But let me tell you the truth, Harry and Miranda wasn't a lover ! Miranda still cannot move on from her ex, Ryan. I don't know why it happened, I don't even now why everybody ships Haranda. It sounds awful yet painful for me. 

            The biology teacher didn’t come today. As usual in the free class, I continued sketching. Adoring every singlelittle things on Harry's endearing face. Suddenly I caught a glimpse of Harry chatting with Alyssa; she giggled and smiled, she seemed so happy. She enjoyed the time that she had with him. Then Harry came to my table because he wanted to play with Louis, so Alyssa joined him, her was hand holding Harry’s, I didn't even know what had happened between them. Harry is such a mysterious guy. And everyone followed him, now everyone is surrounding my seat, including Thomas and George.

“Hey Harry, I know that you’ve been in love with Miranda, you enjoyed your time with her, and so does she.. Why don’t you go date her ?!” Ask George.

“Well, why do y’all really want to know ? I just have to wait for the perfect girl to come to me..”

“What if.. Miranda is that perfect girl thet you're waiting for, will you date her?!”

“Yeah.. Why not ?! She’s pretty though !”

Everybody cheered, Alyssa who couldn’t resist her tears ran into the bathroom to fix her mascara. Miranda smiled happily, pretended to blushed. And there was me who faked smile, hardly resist my tears. Knowing that I was about to cry, Louis hold my hand under my table and rub my thumb to makes me feel better. And the worst thing was he can still laugh after broke 2 girls’ heart. But I’m sure that he’s not heartless. I’m pretty sure..

            “You okay ?” Nialler Asked me. I nodded softly, he looks upset knowing I was lying to him. “Let’s go home.” He lead me to his car. And my chest started to get hurt as hell because of that tears that I bear. Niall turn on my favorite music and drive patiently all the way home

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