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Chapter 4 : Sketch

I have to face the truth, this is my last week to come to school with Niall, play with Louis, and watching Harry secretly and adore his face from the distance, and go to this school.

I was gazing at Louis who was currently playing with his phone. Then he realized that I stared at him in such a wired way. "What Janie ?! What's wrong with me ?"

"Nothing, Louis.. It's just, I have something to tell you." I try to look like nothing had happened to me.

"Then tell me what is it," He put his phone away.

"Brace yourself Lou.. I'll move toLondonone week from now on."

"Jane, No way ! You can't move, you're lying right ?" Louis shook my shoulders.

"No, Lou.. I'm serious ! Look, my problem is, I have to get Harry notice my feeling for him.. Before I move toLondon"

"Yes, by giving him your sketch of him ?" He raised his eyebrows.

Louis seems so lucky; he has that such a brilliant mind ! He seems can read my mind. But, the real problem is; how to give Harry the sketch ? I have about 10 sketches of him in my sketch book, and I have to choose the best one.

That day Niall and Louis came to my house to help me choose the sketch and enjoyed the almost last time they can play in my house in this town. I always wanted to give one of my sketches to Harry. Once he asked me to make him a sketch of him, but I was too shy to give him the sketch I had, because he'll know that I fancy him, and I'm afraid that he will make a distance between us getting further.

I've ever think about ask for Zayn's help but I don't think it's going to work, cause I wasn't really close to him. He's Harry's chairmate in class; he's a British-Pakistani charming guy, he always had a perfect quiff on his hair, his cheek bones are perfect and so do his eyes, he is charming actually but, I didn't fancy him. He loves drawing and he's expert in almost every subjects in school.

"Lou, can you help me to get to be friend with that Zayn Malik ?" I asked him carefully.

"Of course, love. We'll do anything for you, right Niall ? Niall ?" He elbowed Niall who was currently eating his hotdog from Subway that we bought when we were on our way to my house. "Oh yeah, anything for you Jane !"

"I just think that, maybe.. Just maybe I can help me to give the sketch to Harry ! Oh my.. I know it's not going to work.. " I sighed.

"No, Jane.. Trust me, we'll get you to know him tomorrow okay ?! I promise," Said Louis; sipped his fresh brewed coffee from Costas. Lou and Niall seems to have got what I mean, they would help me to be a friend with that Zayn Malik guy, who is actually their bestfriend. Fortunately we have no homeworks for tomorrow, so we enjoyed our time, playing in my house.

In recess, I followed Niall and Louis to the school cafeteria and, it was unexpected; we sat on the same table with Zayn, exactly, I sat next to him. It was awkward because we are stranger, not completely stranger, but I've never talked to him besides school subjects affairs. I know Zayn is Niall and Louis' bestfriend, so I could easily get close to him. Okay, just wish me tons of luck.

"Hi, Jane, how are you ?" He said trying to be friendly.

"Hi Zayn, I'm fine thanks. It's nice to see you here, Zayn ! I mean it's nice that we could seat on the same table with you." I said awkwardly.

"It's our first time.. Haha right ?" He chuckled a little bit.

I nodded my head and smiled. After a few awkward talks later, we become friend like I expected. We have so many similar things, like drawing for example.

Then I told him that I'm going to move toLondon, "No Jane... We're just became friend, I absolutely can't accept the fact that you'll leave me in 6 days." Said Zayn shocked.

"I know Zayn, but she has to.. She can't stay here while her parents are going toLondon." Said Louis, "So we need your help.. Come here."

We gathered in the middle of the table, I'm sure that the other students gave us a wired look, but ignored them. Louis and Niall told him about my feeling about Harry, and he was like "Oh, I didn't know that", "No, I didn't", "All this time she doesn't look like that she have that feeling about Harry," , "How come I didn't know that ?!", "You're hiding it from me ?", "Why don't you told me earlier ?!"

Okay so we're done.. So done with this wired; whispering thing. "Here's the deal Jane, I want to give the sketch to Harry with no condition," He winked at me. I smiled and giggled, "Thanks Zayn,"

The next day, I was sitting on my desk, busy with my phone. Suddenly, Zayn sat beside me, "Hi, Janey... Busy with your phone ?"

"Oh.. Hi Zayn, I tought you're Louis," I smiled to him.

"Oh yes, I'm Zayn Tomlinson.. Where's your sketch ?" He brought the large brown envelope with him.

"Here it is, Zayn ! Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it." I put the sketch ( ) inside the envelope, with a little note in the back with a thin orange ink, which is his favorite color:  

"Dear Harry Styles, here's the sketch you asked for, I hope you like it. I wish I could stay longer in this town to make you another on, or even give you my other sketches of you adoring every single beauty of your face, or watching you from the distance like I used to. But I clearly don't have a much time to do that. I guess I'll just do what I can do for you in such a short time. I really hope you like it; I made this with all of my feeling for you. Your friend, Jane Payne .xx"

"Well, that what friend's for," He winked at me then walked away carry the envelope with him.

Friend ? Yes we are now.. I'm so glad that I made a new friend here in my class. When the school ends for today, Liam picked me, and Niall, up from the school. I told him what had happened. "Well, he would love the sketch Janey !" Said Liam. "Yeah who doesn't ?!" Add Niall. I giggle, "Thanks boys ! You're totally my mood booster."

It was about 7 o'clock when Liam told me to buy an instant macaroni, hot chocolates, and marshmallows for our dinner. So I went to the nearest supermarket with my car. When I've finished, I went outside the supermarket and saw someone who was very familiar running to me, calling my name. When he came closer I recognized that curls, sweetest smile, and those dimples..

"Hi Jane...", said Harry came over me.

"I Harry, it was unexpected that I can see you here." I said shyly smiling at the ground, can't even look at him.

"Thank you anyway for the sketch... It's beautiful," He smiled at me, and those dimples made me blushed, fortunately the lights were dim.

"And is it true that you're going to move toLondonin a few days ?" He looked me in the eyes. I nodded softly. The he pulled me into a hug, a warm one. The he caressed my hair gently. I couldn't say anything, my heart beats faster and the heat went up to my cheek and made it turns red. I enjoyed the warmth that his body gave him, the smell of his body, and his fresh breath. I put my hand around his hips.

He suddenly let go and he was about to pull me into a kiss, when his lips was about to touch mine, I gently push his chest; knowing that I don't deserve his kiss. And he looked my in the eyes, confused. "Harry, I'm sorry... This isn't my destiny to have you as my first kiss, so sorry.", Then I left him, I ran into my car; I could barely heard him calling my name, seems he was about to explain something. But I got into my car and drive home while blushing all the way.

Actually, I didn't need an explanation. Everything was clear, Harry is Alyssa's prince charming, I have the other one, somewhere out there... But I wish my prince charming was him.

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