Miranda's Call

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Chapter 9 : Miranda's Call

It's been so long since the last time I talked to Harry, heard his beautiful voice. I'm trying so hard not to miss him at all, but I just can't get him out of my mind. He's always in my mind, everyday and every night. I wish I could move on and fancy one of these guys in my school, but they're just not my type. My Dad said he's proud of me because I got so many A+ in my report card this term, so I could easily go to the university. I know how hard I've studied all this time, it's just because I'm trying to forget about Harry and all of those memories. And there was no tear after our last conversation. I'm Just a happy (lonely) Jane Payne.

As I told you, I really enjoyed my life here, and now I have a girl bestfriend. Her name is Mia, she's beautiful with her curly brown hair and sweet smile; she is also kind and stylish. This Friday after school, Mia and I will go toOxford Streetto do some shopping. I decided to wear my favorite baby blue wedges. But it was totally strange, I couldn't find it anywhere.

"Mom, did you see my baby blue wedges ?" I asked my Mom this morning

"I don't know, honey. I thought I haven't seen it since we moved here, why ?"

"Oh seriously Mom... It's my favorite shoes; I'm going to wear it now." I went back to my room and grabbed my blue flats, and then I drive away to Mia's house.

I told Mia about my favorite blue wedges which I can't find it anywhere. Then she said, "Oh maybe we should find another one ? That Jimmy Choo heels maybe ?" She pointed one of that shoes that displayed on the store.

Oh, way terrible. I've never tried on that heels, but Mia said I should give a shot, alright then we bought that. It was quite uncomfortable when I tried it on, but Mia said that I have to wear it more often. Alright then, she's right, maybe I should wear it more often.

And we went to Starbucks to brought us coffee and then I drove her home.

It was already 7 pm when I arrived home, "Hi everyone, I'm home." I opened the front door, but there was no answer. But I smelt something from the kitchen, I went straight to the kitchen and found Liam was struggling with his self-made food.

"Hi, Jane... You're home; Mom and Dad went to their high school reunion so they won't be home until Sunday I guess. So I decided to make you dinner, but I don't know how would it tastes, Danielle taught me to make this," Said Liam

"Oh, lucky me to have an awesome elder brother like you, I bet it tastes good, I'll put these stuffs down and I'll be back soon after I cleaned myself up," I went upstairs

"Okay, 30 minutes Jane !" He shouted.

Soon after we had our dinner and washed the dishes. I and Liam decided to do a 'Toy Story' movie marathon tonight, which is our favorite. We made popcorns and prepared so many pillows on the couch and a huge blanket for two of us. But suddenly my phone rings, and surprisingly it was from Miranda !

"Hi Jane, how are you ? I miss you so much here," said Miranda joyfully

"I'm fine, I miss you too."

"Meet some cute guys there, huh ?"

"Sort of, want their number ?"

"That'd be awesome, I just broke up with Ryan cause I'll move toLondonin 2 weeks, and we'll meet again soon, I promise,"

"Oh cool... How's Harry ?" I asked her awkwardly

"After he broke up with Alyssa, He's kind of... Oh Jane, please, date him. I'm begging you,"

She told me everything. After Harry end up his total fake relationship with Alyssa, he changed. But just like me, his academic increases, Mirada told me that he studied hard just to forget me, he told Miranda everything about me, how he missed me, and everything about me in his opinion.

"Miranda look, I understand how Harry felt... I feel the same way as he does, but we just can't work this out, okay ? He's just so ashamed to admits that he loves me,"

"Jane, it was his pass... I know everything about him, 'cause I'm his bestfriend ! At first I liked him but when I told him about that, before your farewell party, he said it's you Janey, that he's been looking for all this time. If you think that I didn't allow any girl to getting close to him lately, it's true, because his heart is actually fragile, and I only allowed you to get to know him. Alyssa is a total mistake, she's not kind actually, she's pretending to be a 'quite' girl, but actually, she made fun of you in twitter, you should give her no bless" Miranda explained to me.

"So Jane, you understand now ?"

"Yeah, Miranda, shall I give Harry another chance ?"

"Excellent, bye catch you later," She ends up our conversation.

It was all confusing; I didn't even know that Miranda is Harry's bestfriend. I think I should give him another chance, but how can I give him another chance ? I mean the distance between us it makes it even harder now; I wish I knew the answer soon. I touched the paper airplane necklace, and memorizing how Harry put this necklace.

"What happened Jane ?" Liam ruined my fantasy.

"No, Liam. It was just a call from Miranda, yeah..." I chuckled awkwardly

"Yeah, I guess you should give him another chance," He winked at me

"How did you... Oh you overheard our conversation," I hit his tough arm

He hugged me and we enjoyed out Toy Story movie marathon and fell asleep on the couch. And I was dreaming about Harry...

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