No father of mine

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George's eyes fluttered open, taking in the scene of an uncomfortably clean hospital room. Dream laid in the corner, engulfed i'm a bed that seemed to take up way too much of the room.

"Good morning George" The blonde smiled. He was sat upright, back supported in a huddle of too thin pillows. His mouth going to work at the disgusting hospital slop ok his lap.

"How long have you been awake?" George slurred as he pushed his arms above his head in what looked to be a stretch.

"Not long. Kind of surprised, i didn't exactly expect to wake up." Dream let out a sad chuckle.

George looked back at him, eyebrows knitting into a frown, eyes falling to the floor.

"How are you doing?" The brunette sighed.

"I've been better." His voice dropping into a low mumble, "The beds comfy though, and they change my bandages often so thats definitely a bonus."

A soft hearted chuckle bubbled in George's throat, shaking his head lightly.

"You always make jokes at the worst time."
George watched Dream stuff his face with his remaining food.

The clock read 7:24 AM

"They want to put me into an institution." Dream mumbled over the falling crumbs of his bread.

"What? Like another hospital? Thats ridiculous why can't th-"

"No George, like a psych ward." Dream interrupted.

"oh.." George's voice trailed off, growing small with every syllable.

"Means i can't pull you out of class for a while Georgie." Dream played this off as if it was just another greeting.

"You're such an idiot." Eyes cloudy, he uttered a pathetic chuckle.

"You love me though." Nothing but a sad smile.

"I do."

Finally building up some confidence, he rubbed his temples.

"Why did you do it, Dream?" The boy sighed

This caught clay off guard. He placed his food on his side table and got comfortable in his hospital bed.

"I'm not ok George."

"I know that Dream, but like... Was there anything i could have done?"

"Sometimes George, it's best to let people deal with their own problems."

George couldn't help but grow a little frustrated.
"But look where that got you?"

Clays head dropped down into his hands, he exhaled deeply.
"George. I can't explain it. I'm trying to get better but sometimes... sometimes it feels like there's no other options."

"Please don't do this to me again."

"It's not that easy George."

"Please." This came out less of a question and more of a desperate grumble.

Dream shook his head. "I'll try."

"Good. Now do you need anything?"

"Actually, could you call Sapnap. I kinda wanna talk to him and let him know I'm ok."

George dialled up Sapnap's number, it rung for a bit before Sapnap voice boomed through the speakers.

"Hello?" Sapnap's scuffed vocals echoed over the botched speakers.

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