conslusion :)

873 17 5

Hello everyone :)

I am an extremely unmotivated person, but I do have a very strong love for reading and writing (very conflicting, I know.) This is one of the only projects I have ever finished and I am so proud of myself, even if it's not any good. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who was here since the beginning, and those people who read after the rewrite.

this was my first ever time writing a fanfic, as you can probably tell, so I am hoping to improve for my future works and I would love some constructive criticism.

And here are some things about me :)

I am apart of the LGBTQ+ community.

I go by any pronouns :) (he/they/she)

I currently live in Australia but I was born in England <3

And I am a huge fan of South Park :) My favourite is Craig.

So until next time <3

Drink some water :)

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