Stay safe, my love.

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"What do you mean he's gone?" George frantically pulled the phone to his year.

"He told you George. He gave you an option."

"Jesus Sapnap. I didn't think he was serious?"

"Well this is what he wanted. I just hope he's safe." Sapnap let out a mumbled sigh.

"Do you know where he is?"
"If he wanted you to know, he would have told you himself."

Silence submerged Sapnap ears before a silent sob was heard on the other line.
"Look George I'm sorry. I know you loved him but if you really really loved him as much as you say you do, you would be happy for him. He's been wanting this for a while."

"I know.. I just, I wasn't ready Sap"

"I'm sorry George"
The conversation ended with the sound of Sapnap exiting the Call.

George's fist plummeted straight into his keyboard, sending a few key caps flying and leaving George's hands bulging red.
He snaked his arms around his legs and hugged them close to his chest, in an attempt to shield him from the world. This wasn't his fault.


Eyes swollen and puffy. Vision blurred with tears. He heard a knock at the front door. As he was home alone he assumed it was one of his family members returning from work, so naturally he journeyed down the stairs and reached for the doorknob. But no one was there?
Instead, a small box laid on the doormat ahead of his. 1000s of thoughts filled his head as he picked the box up with curiosity and gently placed it on the kitchen counter, scared of breaking the contents.

Inside sat a small Polaroid picture. It was a photo of clay with his arm wrapped around George's shoulder as they sat on the edge of the cliff they grew up on. He could remember this day. The day George found out he liked boys, only to receive unconditional support from his friends.
He could hear sapnaps giggles from behind the camera as a smiled lurked on his face. Battling the stream of tears flowing down his cheeks.

The last item in the box was, a tape?

George had found his dads old Casset player from when he was younger and pressed play on the tape, scared for what might occur.

"Hey George."

The boys heart dropped. It was Dream's voice.

"Ever since I hit the age where I started to understand the world I knew I didn't belong here. And this isn't me pulling one of those soppy "the worlds against me" type of things, if anything.. I'm the one against the world. Being 100% honest I would have ended my story a long time ago, but thanks to you, George. I'm still here. you saved me. And I know you probably hate me right now because I left without saying good bye and all that, but it's better then me being dead? Im sorry I gave you that decision to make. I made you choose me or your friends, family and hell.. Your whole life, and a part of me knew you would say no so I don't really have any right to be upset. Just do me a favour, Ok? Don't wait up on me, I want you to be happy.

Stay safe, my love."

And just like that.

The meant to be that never was. Our story was left unwritten.

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