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Third Person POV

The battlefield was silent as both sides stared in shock at Y/N's apparent calm with the injury he sustained. They where even more shocked when he nonchalantly raised his pistol and took out the siren model who fired on him. Zuikaku was the first to recover and quickly charged towards Y/N, sword drawn. She quickly slashed down towards his back however he quickly caught her wrist before performing a violent elbow strike into her neck, knocking her out as well as the shock from the rest of the Crimson Axis ship girls.

Shokaku: Sister!

The Crimson Axis quickly brought up their arms however they stopped when the Azur Lane ships quickly surrounded them, weapons locked and loaded.

Y/N: I suggest you surrender or else you will be having a bit more damage then my arm.

The Crimson Axis ships looked at each other, then down the barrels of their opponents guns. Many looked like they might surrender however a huge explosion rocked an iceberg near the group, sending shards of ice flying in all directions which soon caused the ships to scatter to avoid being hit by the ice. In the confusion Bismarck quickly grabbed Y/N's shoulder however was met with a hard back kick to the leg, knocking her off balanced for enough time that Sheffield came in with a DDT. Bismarck was dazed, but soon got up and prepared her flag spear for another attack however was soon stopped by Enterprise's arrow striking one of the destroyers, damaging her severely. With this loss the Crimson Axis began to withdrawal, firing shells into the water to provide cover not only for their escape but also for one of the submarines to pop off Y/N's arm and take an unconscious Zuikaku from his grasp.

Y/N: D*mmit!

Soon the smoke cleared and the Azur Lane soon found themselves alone, however Y/N soon noticed something was wrong. Very wrong.

Y/N: Wait, Tirpitz?

No response came and soon the marine was off, quickly jumping onto an iceberg as he began to scan the area. However as he continued to search, a few of the other Azur Lane girls checked their perimeter, soon both searches found nothing. And with the wind starting to pick up Wales ordered for a withdrawal back to base.


The ride to the outpost was quiet, most of the girls still trying to recover from the short engagement that they had. When they got to the base, they rested up in the mess hall where Enterprise sat across from the Y/N who was being helped by Sheffield on reattaching his  now patched up arm.

Enterprise: We managed to repel back the enemy however with the capture of Tirpitz we may need to stay in the area for extra security.

Y/N nodded as he soon pressed down on his arm, a loud pop came from the joints as Y/N began to test his fingers. Sheffield's face was frozen in her usual emotionless state however most of the other girls who where also inside the ship to get away from the cold cringed at the sound.

Enterprise: So, how long where you going to let that slide?

Y/N: Well, no one asked and I don't find it very helpful for everyone to know that I have this as you can clearly see.

Enterprise looked back into the crowd of ship girls all staring in a mixture of emotions at Y/N's continued repairs of his arms and sighed. She quickly brought out a ration bar and took a bite before offering another one to Y/N to which he took with a thankful nod.

Enterprise: Where did you even get the wound in the first place?

Y/N: Refugee rescue mission.

Enterprise: I see....

There was a small bit of silence as the two continued to eat their rations however as Y/N took another bite he could see from the corner of his eye Sheffield, a slightly crossed look on her face.

Y/N: Is something wrong Sheffield?

Sheffield quickly shook her head to deny the question however Y/N nodded, insisting on the answer to which Sheffield replied with a sigh.

Sheffield: Very well. Do you wish to continue combat with the injury of your arm?

Y/N: I mean its patched up.

Sheffield: No, its glued together with any scrap parts that we can find. Forgive me for my rudeness but that doesn't seem sturdy enough to withstand combat.

Y/N opened his mouth to speak however soon spotted Wales with a concerned look on her face running towards the three of them.

Y/N: Hey Wales, what's wrong?

Wales soon stopped in front of the three before performing a salute to Y/N and then turned to Sheffield.

Wales: Sheffield, the Queen requests to see you.

Sheffield nodded and went off with Wales. Y/N began to get up however Wales shook her head to which Y/N raised his eyes brow before sitting back down and taking another bite of his ration bar.

Y/N: Wonder what this meeting is about.


The rest of the groups stay was uneventful and soon the taskforce was sent back to the main base. Y/N was slightly miffed at the lack of action and was very cross at the lost of Tirpitz however with a war to run he had little time to really think of anything else. Sheffield had left saying that the Queen needed her and in her place volunteered Belfast who also had the job of keeping an eye on Enterprise. On one particular day both Belfast and Enterprise as well as Wales had their own activities to do and Y/N soon found himself filling out papers and drinking his upteempth cup of coffee, much to Belfast's disliking, when he soon got a knock on the door.

Y/N: Come in.

The door opened and soon two familiar heads pop out from behind the door.

Y/N: Ah, Javelin and Laffey. What can I do for you two?

The two destroyers soon came into the room, however Y/N noticed something was wrong. Or at least something was wrong with Javelin, as she was glancing around the room as if it was haunted while closing the door. Laffey on the other hand plopped herself onto the coach near Y/N's desk as he expected and Javelin soon joined her.

Javalien: H-Hello Commander.

Laffey: Hello....

Y/N: something wrong?

The two destroyers glanced at each other, silent as can be as Y/N slowly took a deep breath.

Y/N: If its about Ark Royale then-

Javelin: Uhm, n-no commander.

This piqued Y/N's curiosity as Javelin soon looked at Laffey one last time before looking back at the Marine.

Javelin: D-Do you friends outside the military?

Y/N was taken aback by this and pondered for a brief moment. He nodded his head and Javelin continues.

Javelin: W-Well, do you have friends who might get into trouble?

Y/N: Well, I grew up in a gang so I guess.

Both destroyers where obviously taken aback by the answer and his apparent acceptance of this fact and continued to ask further.

Javelin: W-well would you still be friends if they did something bad?

Y/N: Javelin, why are you asking these questions? As far as I know almost all of the ships on base are following protocol and proper procedure so I have no rea-

Laffey: Ayanami.

Y/N stopped mid sentence at this and looked at Laffey who had now cracked out a bottle of soda and was drinking heavily from it.

Y/N: Excuse me?

Javelin:.....Ayanami. That's our friends name.

Javelin looks at Y/N a worried face and fidgety fingers on full auto.

Javelin: C-Commander, what do we do if we have a friend who is on the enemies side?

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