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Y/N's eyes open slowly, his pupils quickly shrinking under the bright lights as his vision soon focused on the bright white tiled roof. A small sigh escape his lips as he slowly began to regain his bodies senses.

Y/N: Hm, deja f*cking vu......again....

With a small grunt his soon moved his hand however to his surprise he felt a weight as he tried to move. With slow deliberation Y/N raised his head and soon saw two heads on the bed, their white hair mixing together as they sat on opposite sides of him. In fact, his entire room was surronded with ship girls, all of whom seemed to be asleep. As he began to get up, a loud beeping noise soon became apparent and soon the entire room was awaken with a shock.

Cleveland: Who-

Javelin: Wha-

Laffey: Still...tired....

As the ship girls began to wake up Y/N soon saw the door of the room open as K soon rushed in, his face soon turning to a smile as he clicked his heels and saluted.

K: Good morning, commander.

Before Y/N could even say a word the entire room snapped their eyes towards him, a small bit of silence following as Y/N began to sweatdrop.

Y/N: G-Girls, please be gen-


Soon the entire room was on top of the bed, a dogpile of hugs and shouting filling the room as Y/N was peppered with words and tears, the entire mix blending into each other making it impossible to specifically make out anything.

After a few minutes of chaos, the crowd began to disperse with many getting off of giving Y/N a bit of space as he begun to catch his breath. K gave a small thumbs up towards Y/N who shook his head a final deep breath followed by a cough indicating the end of his recovery.

Y/N: I'm glad to see all of you girls to.

The commander gave a smile as the room once again dove into a loud rukus with ship girls trying to get their words to the commander however with a quick set of claps K soon quieted them down. Y/N gave a nod of thanks before soon clearing his throat.

Y/N: K, status report? Simplified if you will. My head is still killing me.

K: Of course. The sirens have been pushed back for now, Crimson Axis has rejoined Azur Lane, and it seems that both the alliance and humanity have made formal connections once again.

Y/N: Good, anything else I should be worried about?

K: Well yes, a few of the ladies here have somethings to say to you.

Y/N raised an eyebrow as K soon stepped out of the way as most of the ship girls said their good bye's and best wishes before soon heading out of the room, their eyes looking back before being ushered out by K who followed them when only Enterprise, Bismark, Tirpitz, Prince of Wales, Akagi, Kaga, and Belfast were left in the room. The room stayed silent for a few momments before Y/N gave a smile.

Y/N: So, are you ladies ok?

In an instant both Tirptiz and Enterprise grabbed a hand, shocking Y/N, before then each stared into his eyes. Their eyes were shining with tears however neither of them cried.

Enterprise: Commander, how are you this stupd?!

Y/N: Hey! I'm still aliv-

Tirpitz: We all saw you get shot through the chest and plunged into the sea, then a few weeks later you appeared and ordered us around like nothing has happened.

Enterprise: And to top it off, you not only dropped your ship, but also nearly drowned yourself if it wasn't for Tirptiz catching you before the waves did.

Y/N stared at the two in shock, his mind tryng to keep up with the teary sounding voices of the two. Then, a thought soon came to his mind, and his breathing soon began to calm down. He closed his eyes and soon gave a sad smile, his hand then reaching out to their shoulder as he sighed. 

Y/N: I know, I'm sorry......

The two didn't seem to beleive his words however he soon brought the two into a hug, his arms wrapping around the two who soon returned the gesture. Enteprise gave a small sigh as Tirpitz tighted her hug, Y/N bearing with it as he kept his eyes closed.

Enterprise: Don't ever do something like that again...

Tirptiz: If you do, I'l-We'll perssonally drag you back from the depths of the sea floor to exact our judgment.

Y/N: Right, right.

After a few more momments of the embrace, the three seperated as Y/N turned to the rest of the ship girls. Y/N soon noted their tired expressions, all of them having bags under their eyes as he made a mental note to get them some rest.

Wales: Commander Y/N, what you pulled off was by far the most stupid, impulsive, and........

Y/N soon smirked, a small chuckle coming out of his mouth as he looked at Wales who had a tint of red on her cheeks at the act.

Y/N: And?

Bismarck: And brave things we have ever seen. To drop one's ship onto the enemy and jump out of a plane while drifting in a parachute unconcious takes a lot of guts.

Y/N: I guess I just had to trust that you all would catch me.

Belfast: That is very cliche Mr. Y/N.

Y/N: *chuckle* yes, thank you Belfast.

Belfast gave small nod as Prince of Wales soon stepped forwards, her hand going to her chest as she cleared her throat and bowed.

Wales: Commander Y/N, on behalf of both the Azur Lane and the Crimson Axis, we thank you infinitly for you actions.

Y/N: I was just doing my duty.

Enterprise tighten her grip on Y/N's hand, signalling to him that Wales wasn't finish. The blond battleship soon looked up at Y/N's eyes, a glint in her eyes.

Wales: Now, on behalf of Azur Lane and the rest of humanity we the newly formed council of Azur Lane would love to extend an invintation.

Y/N raised an eyebrow as Wales soon extended a hand towards him as she straightened her posture and wore a growing smile.

Wales: I would love to extend an invitation for the postition of the first Commander of the combined Azur Lane alliance, for the fight against the sirens and for helping guide us to this conflicts end.

Y/N looked at the hand, his smile soon growing as he slowly reached out his hand. However before he could take Wale's hand, the battleship stopped him with her other arm.

Wales: That is, with one condition.

Y/N's expression turned to one of question before soon seeing a certain nun dressed women peeking throug the door in the reflection of Wale's eyes. With a small sweatdrop Wales continued.

Wales: That you will not be permitted to start your duties until you are fully cleared and recovered.

Wales looked up again towards the repair ship who soon left the room with the click of the door and let out a relaxed sigh as she retrained her focus onto Y/N who also gave a small sigh of releif.

Wales: Do you accept this invitation Commander?

Y/N soon took Wale's hand, a firm shake soon followed by what he felt was the largest smile in his life a his eyes went from Enterprise to Tirpitz and back to Wales and the other ship girls.

Y/N: Lets do this.

The Marine Ship CommanderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα