The Royal Navy

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I began to wake up and took a look at my watch. 0500 hours.

Me: CO's going to be pissed.

I got up and noticed 

I felt more normal than yesterday. I guess being dotted in the forehead and teleported after death kind of make me more friendly.

Me: Well, let's get going.

I got up and changed to my PT clothes which happened to be in my pack before heading my way to what seem to be a gym of some sort. I then got some water and began my normal morning PT. Stretching, eight laps around the ship, one hundred push ups, two hundred sit ups, thirty pull ups, forty leg lifts with extra weights, and then cool down stretching.

Me: Well, I guess a bullet to the forehead didn't affect my memory.

By the time I finished my cool down stretching it was 0700 hours and I quickly took a shower before changing to more casual clothes which consisted of a black t-shirt and long black pants and a hoodie.

By the time I finished my cool down stretching it was 0700 hours and I quickly took a shower before changing to more casual clothes which consisted of a black t-shirt and long black pants and a hoodie

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I got this from my mother who was a Colonel in the Marines. My father was also a Marine, a Sergeant, and they drilled me in both physical and mental training. It was tough but hey, I loved them as much as they love me.

I left the showers with my sweaty PT clothes and began to clean them with my hands until Tirpitz came up and read the back of my hoodie.

Tirpitz: Boot camp?

Me: Yep.

Tirpitz sighed and leaned against a wall.

Tirpitz: I know we ship girls don't have a specific training per say but I must warn you about something.

I stopped washing my clothes and turned towards her.

Me: Warning?

Tirpitz nodded and she took out a small piece of paper.

Tirpitz: Although we ship girls have discipline, you're a male and.........some of the girls don't work well with other girls being near a male.

Me: What do you mean by not work well with?

Tirpitz: They will try to take you.

Tirpitz began to write down a couple of words on the paper and handed it to me who was still trying to figure out what she meant by that.

Tirpitz: I know we don't really know each other, but please be extremely careful near these ship girls.

Me: I can do that.

I dried my hands and took the paper with a nod of thanks. She smiled and I looked at the paper.

Me: Akagi, Taiho, Roon, Dido, Junyou......Atago?

Tirpitz: While Atago isn't a very violent person she can be very.......forwards with someone she likes.

Me: Ok.

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