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Third Person POV

Y/N looked at Enterprise with a look of confusion before his face soon entered a deadpanned stare.

Enterprise: I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?

Y/N: No, please continue.

Enterprise gave a small look of concern before nodding, her lilac eyes closing as she breathed in deeply. Y/N didn't interrupt as Enterprise opened her eyes, and began to speak.

Enterprise: It must of been nearly two decades ago since the Sirens attacked, and for one full year humanity was beaten back again and again. Costal cities were burned, people fled from the seas, and International trade nearly stopped as the Sirens lockdown the seas from humanity. Only the most fortified islands with a bit of luck were left.

Y/N nodded, he has already read about this part of the Siren War in his trip to the library when he first got to the base. However his mind was still occupied on the topic of how his original question fit into this history.

Enterprise: Four years later, humans soon found a way to fight back, by reverse engineering siren technology with their own they were able to create artificial life.

Y/N: Kansens, or ship girls from what I have read.

Enterprise nodded.

Enterprise: The years that followed were hard, years after years of war. It was a miracle that none of our sisters died at sea, unable to be revived through the power of the wisdom cube.

Y/N stopped his nodding and looked towards Enterprise, eyebrow raised. Revival?

Y/N: Wait, revival as in come back from the dead revival?

Enterprise: Yes, the wisdom cube gave us life, and if we die in battle our bodies can use the wisdom cube to bring life to us again.

Y/N: And how many times have-

Enterprise: I have not died yet.

Y/N: But what happened to humans?

Enterprise sighed before soon creating a fist with her hands.

Enterprise: War is a cruel thing, and while we kansens can be revived, our creators weren't so robust. As the meat grinder of war continued humanity has lost over half of its population to all sorts of horrors.

Y/N: That still leaves 3 billion people, that kind of number doesn't just disappear into thin air.

Enterprise: And they didn't disappear, well at least in the eyes of a few selected ship girls.

Y/N: What do you me-

Suddenly the ground shook as shelfs and the roof rattled as the distant sound of explosions and sirens ripped through the air. Enterprise and Y/N soon exchanged looks before bolting out of the building, fire and smoke flew into the sky. Enterprise soon ran towards the blaze with Y/N close behind, his eyes darting for a radio as Enterprise glowed as her riggings began to form.

Enterprise: It's near the lab.

Y/N nodded and summoned his rigging, however a sudden laser soon grazed his cheek as he soon jumped away from the yellow streaks of plasma and into the air as the yellow beam also cut loose the handcuffs and the chocker chain, grasping his Colt as a maniacal laughter soon filled his ear.

???: Hey hey!

Enterprise: Y/N!

Enterprise soon jumped onto a plane and rushed towards Y/N, her bow drawn as she soon went besides him, shooting at the form that the voice had come from.

Y/N: I'm fine! Who's that?

Enterprise: Purifier, she's a high level siren!

Purifier: Oh, it seems that I'm known, great!

The siren's mouth soon turned to a grin as she soon brought out the black wisdom cube, holding onto it like a gem while dodging Enterprise's attempts to shoot he down.

Purifier: This thing really has you all riled up huh? I should leave then.

With that the siren soon turned tail and flew off, disappearing as soon as she appeared. Y/N and Enterprise soon landed onto the ground, their eyes fixated onto the horizon.

Y/N: And she's gone.

Enterprise: Dammit, Sheffield said earlier that they were about to activate whatever device they were making before they took the cube. Now that the siren's got it back....

Y/N: We need to move out, while we still have time.

Enterprise nodded and soon the two began to part ways, however Y/N soon remembered his previous question and began to turn.

Y/N: Hey, Enterpris-

He was soon greeted by empty air and the distant roar of an engine, his head soon going into a small shake. He soon turned back to his original path and began to walk back to his office, after all his has an operation to prepare for.

The Marine Ship CommanderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora