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3 years before events.

Third Person POV

Corpsman 1: MOVE MOVE!

A stretcher cart bursts through the ER door as a trail of blood is left behind on the floor. Soon the doctors came into the room, gloves on and equipment ready.

Doctor 1: What is his name?

Corpsman 2: Y/N L/N. We just got him from the medical birds.

Doctor 2: What caused this?

Corpsman 1: IED explosion, someone set us up for an ambush on the west side of Merca.

Doctor 1: Dammit, I need blood stat!

The Doctors and Corpsman began to work furiously to save the privates life. Some hours later they all sighed in relief as the patient was stabilized and he was soon woke up with a start. After a few minutes of calming down he soon go the news that he is to be discharged.

Y/N: I guess this is it....

Doctor 1: How long have you been in the Corps son?

Y/N: A few months. This is my first deployment....

Doctor 1: I'm sorry....

???: How about we don't be sorry?

Both Y/N and the doctor whipped towards the door and soon they found themselves looking at a group of men. One of them was the aide to the Secretary of the Navy and both Y/N and the doctor stiffened up.

Y.N: Sir.

Jack: Please, just call me Jack, Marine. You both may relax.

Both of the men relaxed and Jack pulled out a chair and sat in it across from the bed.

Jack: Alright, I suppose their is no need to beat around the bush here. How would you like a second chance at action?

This confused both the doctor and Y/N.

Doctor 1: Sir, with all due respect Y/N is out of the fight with his injuries.

Jack: I know. That's why we are going to fix him.

Y/N: Fix me?

Jack got up and nodded to one of the men who produced a large briefcase. Jack took it and faced it towards Y/N.

Jack: Also Doctor, can you please leave.

The doctor sighed and nodded before making his way out of the room. As the doors closed Jack nodded to the men and they left as well to guard the room. Once everyone left Jack took a breath and looked at Y/n in the eyes.

Jack: Several months ago a strange sighting has been spotted during USS Enterprise's construction. A strange glow is seen on the decks of the ship and some of the guards said that they spotted a women on deck.

Y/N raised an eyebrow at this as Jack continued.

Jack: However when the guards and the NCIS did a full sweep of the area and security cameras there was no one in the area. However they did find this.

Jack opened the briefcase and Y/N's eyes went wide. A large cube sat in the middle of the case and it was glowing a dim blue. Y/N looked up at Jack who nodded.

Jack: We ran a few tests and we found out that this cube heals wounds and brings the body to peak physical condition. However we have not had the chance to have a human trial.

Y/N: So you want me to play guinea pig?

Jack: Precisely.

Y/N looked down at the cube then back at Jack.

Y/N: Why me?

Jack: How do I say this...... your character, your potential, and your physical abilities.

Y/N: So I was chosen because I can be of use to the Marine Corps if this works?

Jack: Yes.

Y/N sighed and thought for a few moments before turning back to Jack.

Y/N: Alright, when do we start?

Jack smiled and stood up.

Jack: 2 hours.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/N wondering about his arm.

Y/N was brought to a small room where there is only a surgical lamp and a man with a with cart full of equipment.

Jack: Y/N, I would like to introduce you to Ivan. He is the only person to know this thing inside and out.

Ivan: Good to meet you Y/N.

Y/N: Likewise.

Jack: Alright, let's get started.

Y/N slowly laid down on the table and Ivan helped set up the procedure. Soon Jack left the room and the process commenced. Ivan slowly sliced open a small portion of Y/N chest and soon his muscles touched the cold air. Y/N gritted his teeth in pain as Ivan slowly began to place the cube onto his skin.

Y/N (thought): Aw f*ck this hurts worst than boot camp.

???: Watch your vulgar tongue young man.

Y/N was in shock, voices?

Y/N (thought): Who are you?

???: I am no one significant. However it seems I have found a someone suitable, although very immature, to pass my powers on to.

Y/N (thought): Pass on power?

Suddenly he felt an immense surge of energy rushed into his body and Ivan's eyes widened.

Ivan: What's this?!

Suddenly a huge surge of energy blasted out into the room. Ivan was sent flying back into a wall and Y/N began to glow blue. Suddenly he felt, better. No he felt superb. Is this part of the cube's experience?

As soon as the experience began it ended and Y/N looked down to see his entire body was healed.

Y/N: know what? Not going to question it.

Suddenly the doors burst open and Jack and a few other men rushed in.

Jack: What happened?!

Ivan slowly stirred and looked up at the group.

Ivan: Ugh, what is all the's to early for that.

One of the men went to Ivan and checked his pupils before looking towards Jack.

Man: Concussion sir, I guess he has amnesia.

Jack: *sigh* What about Y/n?

He wen over to Y/N and gave him a full body check. He gave Jack a thumbs up and Jack rubbed his temples.

Jack: Well, we can't stop now. Get him to the prosthetics room. He can get his arm there.

Man: Yes sir.

As Y/N and  the men begin to leave Jack took out his phone and punched in a few numbers. The phone ran and an indiscriminate voice is heard.

Jack: Hello sir. Yes. No, I'm afraid Ivan has amnesia. Yes......understood. 

With that Jack hung up and turned towards the door that Y/N went through.

Jack: Well Y/N, welcome back to the Marine Corps.

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