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After that bathroom incident with Hyunjin I didn't dare to go anywhere without someone, not because I felt scared around him, I honestly wasn't that bothered. I just knew that at some point I may end up dying and well I have plans... okay I really don't but maybe another year or two of life would be nice.

"One did you pack some sexy lingerie?" Suhyuk asks me as I place my bag into his car. My hair clipped back out of my face, I was trying for an I'm innocent look wearing a light pink knee length dress. I probably looked like a weirdo but we won't speak of that.

"No, I don't own any and why would I need it?" I ask him lifting my eyebrows as he smirks at me.

"Who knows, you might finally become a woman after this trip" he tells me. Rolling my eyes I don't bother trying to convince him I wasn't and decided to just hop in.

Suhyuk was driving me, seungmin, Felix, Hima and Minyu to Yerhi's vacation home. The others had their own way of transport. I was on the left side with Minyu inbetween me and Yerhi who was sitting on the right. The love birds had the front seats and we knew we had no chance of getting them.

"You look pretty, who are you trying to impress?" Minyu asks me with a small smile. Unlike me she was dressed for the actual occasion, she had on some denim shorts and a black bikini top. "Is it that Felix guy?" She asks me a bit more quietly.

"No I just felt like dressing cute, why you jealous?" I joke as she laughs.

"No one bother me, I need my beauty sleep" Hima tells us as she puts on her sunglasses and leans back comfortable, well as comfortably as she could possibly manage. Hima was dressed as if we were going to a runway in Paris, she wore a long thin black dress that had rips up both sides of her legs. Her chest on display yet somehow she maintained a look of modesty.

I was incredibly nervous for this trip, for three reasons. Reason one, Hyunjin will be there. Reason two I have to be social for a whole weekend. And lastly reason three, my gut hadn't settled every since the idea came up for this trip. I was uneasy as if I so,show knew something just wasn't going to go right.


"Finally thank god" Minyu gasps in joy as she jumps over me and out the car as the car stops. After three long, and horrible hours we made it. Yerhi was rich, not just rich I mean fucking rich with a capital R. Her house was gorgeous, it was two stories and looked like it was out of a drama. The beach was only a small walk away.

"Wow" I say in awe. I had always known she was rich but I guess I just didn't really think about it all that much.

"Finally guys, we were starting to think you guys were in an accident or something" Yerhi says walking out and hugging us as we grab our stuff. Walking in Yerhi leads us upstairs. "I hope you don't mind but you three girls will have to share a room" she tells us opening the first door. The room had a feature wall painted a light grey, two beds were covered in dark blankets and pillows. A black rug sat on the floor.

"This is one room?" I ask shocked.

"I know it's small I'm sorry" she says apologising as I shake my head.

"Small? Not at all it's huge" I tell her jumping onto the bed as she laughs at me. "I dibs the single bed, Hima and Minyu can share the double bed" I say.

"No complaints from me" Hima says sitting on the double bed. Minyu gives me a bit of a look but I poke my tongue at her, she's salty I didn't choose to sleep with her. What a child.

"We're having a bonfire tonight at seven so come down around than" Yerhi tells us leaving to take Suhyuk and Seungmin to their room.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.


I was indeed wrong. It was cold and I was freezing my tits off. Despite wearing a jacket the night seemed to chill quickly. Dinner had ended and stupid Chan made me get some drinks from his car for them. Except his car was no where to be seen. "What an asshole, if I die because of frost bite I will kill him" I mutter angry as I continue walking back to the bonfire.

Well I assumed I was, I never had the best sense of direction and my distraction right now was not helping. I didn't know where I was, nor did I have any knowledge about this area. For all I know I could be walking in the wrong direction or into someone else's back yard. Why did I give Hima my phone? I knew it was a bad idea to lend her it. She can have photos of the night but now I probably will die, lucky me.

"Fuck it, I'm tiered and walking more might just continue to get me lost" I say taking a seat on the sand. The view of the ocean lit by the moonlight was calming to look at. It made me a bit uneasy as well, I felt so small next to such a sight.

Hyunjin POV

It had been thirty minutes since one had left. Chan had obviously forgotten about his little prank on her. Taking another sip of my beer I watch as another couple leaves the bonfire. It was mainly the guys now, and well Hima who was trying to set them up with her older sister who was currently on the phone.

"Why are you so silent? You seem worried about something" Jeongin says, he was sipping on his orange juice as he looked up at me with wide eyes. Glancing at him I return my gaze to the bonfire.

"No reason, I just don't feel like talking that's all" I tell him, for some reason Jeongin was the only one I talked to the most. He had a sense of understanding my silence when I felt like being mute. Yet somehow he knew when I wanted to speak yet had no courage to. He was very mature for someone so young, and so naive.

"I've noticed you and Mihyun have been talking lately. I hope you aren't interested in her like you usually are like with most people. She looks like she has been hurt before, I would hate it if she was hurt by you" he tells me, I look at him again. Was he the one Mihyun had a liking too?

"I don't like her like that. I actually don't know why I'm interested in her, she just seems awfully similar to myself" I mutter looking away from him again. "Don't worry, I have no desire to hurt her" I say a bit louder for him to hear. Why was I comforting him with those words?

"I'm leaving" I tell him placing my beer down as I get up. It's awfully cold tonight, I hope she hasn't died yet.

Okay I updated, you better be proud. I'm just kidding. Expect more soon, I'm on a roll for some reason.

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