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"Let's run" Hyunjin whispered, dragging me up from the mattress as we looked around the room. The only exit besides the door was the window and it had bars on the outside. We had no escape, we didn't want to admit it, but this was our end.

"I can't loose you" I told him.

"We don't have any other choice Mihyun, right now the cops can barge in any minute and take us away. I'll go to jail" Hyunjin whispered. Holding me closely in his arms as he cried. "I don't want to loose you, I can't" He whispered.

"Hwang Hyunjin and Kim Mihyun you have five minutes to open this door or we will open it down by force" the officers yellow, banging on the door more as Hyunjin looked down at me. Pressing his lips against mine he kept his hands cradling my face as I sobbed.

Why can't we just be together?

"We can either leave and be separated or we can stay here together, I know this is stupid and I want you to think about it carefully but I have nothing in this life I care for other than you" Hyunjin told me.

"How can we stay here together, I don't care what we do I can't leave the room without you" I told him. I watched as he stepped away quickly and rummaged through his bag bringing out two guns. Handing me one his eyes watched me carefully for my reaction. "You want us to die here?" I ask him confused.

"It's either here together or out there without each other" he told me. I hesitantly took the gun, tears still streaming as I stared up at him. "Is this a yes?" He asks me lightly as I nod my head, afraid to speak.

Gently we sit down on the bed, me straddling his lap as he held me closely, his free arm pointing the gun to his head as I followed his lead. "I'm scared" I admitted, my voice weak and my eyes still crying. It was as if the faucet wouldn't stop.

"I am too, but as long as I have you I know we will be fine" he tells me. Nodding my head I kiss him. Pressing the gun to my head I look him in the eyes, he was crying as well. Why did we deserve this life?

Hearing the door being broken open Hyunjin pulled me closer and nodded his head, closing my eyes I pull the trigger with him. Shouts of "no" being distantly heard as everything wet black.

Did we not deserve a normal life? I only wanted to be happy, was that too much to ask for?

Third Person POV

The cops watched as the two lovers pulled the trigger, the walls being covered in their blood as their bodies fell to the side. Despite their shouts and pleas the worst had happened, they lost them. After discovering the fact Hwang Hyunjin had been the one to murder the man they had also learned the fact the two both had unstable mental health.

They had been on thin ice and they had hoped they could get the two before they did something drastic, but it had been too late. The officers failed to protect them. "I hate this fucking job" the older officer said, looking down at the two lifeless bodies as the other demanded back up.

"They were just kids" he said looking down as he noticed that they hadn't even let their grip on each other loosen during deaths their mouths still pressed together as if sharing their final kiss. It was heartbreaking to watch just how bad love can make things, the two didn't deserve this.

"The guy that died by his hands had it coming" the other stated. "It's horrible that if he hadn't died than he would be going to jail for the rest of his life for murder. She would probably be charged with assisting in it. She knew what he had done, it's sad but this outcome was the only way they could see themselves staying together" he spoke gently.

"I think I'm going to resign. My mental health won't be good if I have to continue dealing with this" the older officer said. "What about their families, how do we tell them that their kids are gone?" He asks.

"We won't have too, neither of them have any blood relatives. I guess their lives hadn't been easy. He had been constantly in the hands of the law, she had been brought up in an abusive foster home. They had no one but each other" he told him.

The two deceased lovers had found peace. No longer having to deal with the heartache the world seemed to put on them, no longer dealing with the expectations they had to fulfil. They had found peace in each other for a short while, yet reality had taken away their peace and given them only pain.

Death after all seemed like the only answer for the two, without each other who did they have left? Friends who lived in a different reality, family who treated them like lesser beings, or the world who had payed no attention to them until they committed crime.

Life wasn't fair, if anyone understood that or knew it better it was them. Because even at their last moments, life had been cruelest to them most.

20 years later

"Watch were your going dipshit" the younger girl snapped angrily. Having bumped into the taller male who had suddenly stopped suddenly in front of her. He turned around toward her and froze, his mouth parted as if he were going to say something rude in return but stopped.

"Do I know you?" He asks her lightly, something about her being oddly familiar. The way her eyes held a blank yet cold look caught him off guard, like he had seen those eyes before.

"Dude How would I know? You kinda seem familiar, what's your name pretty boy?" The younger girl asks. She find the taller stunning, his cold and not so nice demeanour interested her.

"My name is -..." he spoke, his name being caught off by the sound of someone else yelling.

"Where the fuck did you go kid? I swear when we get home I-... wait Hyunjin?" The guy asks confused looking at the taller who stood in front of his kid. "Sorry that can't be, you just look like someone I once knew" he mumbled.

"Yoongi stop acting weird, pretty boy hurry up and give me your number" The younger spoke turning her attention back to the handsome guy.

"Is that any way to speak to your father? Nope your too young for dating don't even look at her" the older spoke shoving his hand in front of the taller kids eyes to hide his view of his kid. Instead he pulled away his kid.

"Dad stop embarrassing me, your always hitting on women why can't I hit on a handsome guy when I see one?" The younger asks annoyed.

"I swear you act just like your aunt" he huffs annoyed.

The young girl looked back to see the guy looking after her, giving him a short sneaky smile she winked at him, continuing to walk with her father. She felt some odd connection with the man, as if she had known him.

"Who are you?" The taller male asks, staring after the two bickering people he had encountered, something tugging at his heart as if she were a sad memory.

A/n: so yeah I felt that it would be slightly unfair to just kill them so decided that they would be reborn. They can't remember their past life but they feel a connection towards the each other. This is the end of Facade, I hoped you enjoyed it.

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