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I didn't find myself all that ugly, but I never thought I was gorgeous. Minyu however made everyone feel confident. The way she spoke and flirted with you made you feel like you could have the world. She was gorgeous and intelligent so having someone like her being one of your closest friends was something I always valued.

"Fuck your hot, are you sure we won't fuck tonight" she asks me biting her lip. Yet in these moments she also made me want to hit her.

Keeping to her word we did go shopping and I didn't resist when she said she would pay for me. I was trying on a tight black dress that made me feel insecure as fuck in it, my arms showed and my legs looked big. I hated my love handles and my tummy. Yet I somehow felt very pretty in it when minyu hyped me up.

"I don't know, I feel very icky. Are you sure I don't look gross?" I ask her feeling my insecurities double as I looked longer in the mirror.

"You look so stunning mihyun, but if your uncomfortable we can always find something that covers your body more" she tells me going to look for a bit more of a conservative dress. Smiling at her I watch as she pulls out a looser black dress that was long, the only thing that was tight was the slight corset middle part that would define someone's waist. If I wore it my arms would be covered and I wouldn't feel too insecure yet it still was very pretty.

"This is gorgeous, and much cuter than that one. You like it?" She asks me getting excited as I nod my head slowly blushing. Pulling me back into the changing room she passes me the dress and waits for me outside. "Your gonna look so hot I'm so sad you still won't let me fuck you. I'll be really nice to you" she tells me rather loudly as I shudder at her words.

"No, your my friend and I don't want to do something that intimate when I know you like me. I don't like you like that I'm sorry" I tell her tightening the strings at the back and opening the door.

"Fine but if you ever need a one night stand I'm here" she tells me as she looks at me in awe. "Your so adorable, your getting this no complaints" she tells me pushing me back in so I would take it off.


"I'm nervous" I tell her pulling slightly at her dress as she holds me closer to her. The club was busy and loud and I felt slightly suffocated while standing in there.

"We can go home if you want, we haven't eaten yet and I always wanted to go into McDonald's wearing a sexy outfit" she tells me as we stop walking around. Minyu was very motherly, whereas Zima had ditched us the moment we entered.

"No it's okay, just don't leave me alone" I tell her as she nods. Making our way to the bar we order a few drinks, with me having to show my ID because I apparently looked like a child. Vodka was a personal favourite and I tipped it down my throat as soon as I got it. My nerves were killing me.

"The guys and Yerhi are coming later, they wanted to try out this new club" Minyu tells me as I nod. That means he will be here, that just makes me feel even more anxious.

"Minyu is that you?" A voice asks as an older male makes his way over. He looked like he was in his late twenties, his skin tan and hair dyed a light blonde. "Shit it is you, how have you been?" He asks her as she smiles. I guess they were close.

"Alright, I'm in college right now. Oh Jiryeong this is my best friend Mihyun" she tells him as he turns towards me giving me a slight smile, but it was clear his attention was for minyu and minyu only.

"Let me buy you two some shots" he says taking a seat on the other side of minyu. I turn my attention away from them, not caring much about their chatter. Taking the shot he payed for he ended up paying for three more rounds.

By the time I saw Yerhi make her way over my head was dizzy and everything was kind of slow. "One Hold still, we don't need no hospital visit tonight" she jokes as I nearly fall off my bar stool. Smiling at her she helps me sit back on it steady. "Where is minyu?" She asks me as I look over to my right to find her gone. When did she go?

"I... don't know" I say shaking my head clueless.

"It's not safe for you to be alone like this, come on let's take you to our table" she tells me helping me stand up. Shaking my head I sigh. "What's wrong, do you need to go to the toilet?" She asks me as I shake my head.

"No I need another drink, I'll buy you one too" I tell her smiling widely as I turn back to the bar, she laughs lightly and allows me. Ordering the drinks I place down the money and turn to look for yerhi.

"Oh no, she's gone" I say to myself. "Did you see the girl that was just with me?" It's, te bartender who shakes his head. Turning back to the loud crowd of people dancing I begin my search for her.

Hyunjin POV

"Guys have you seen mihyun?" Yerhi asks us worried. None of us had even seen her yet.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Minho asks her getting up to calm his girlfriend, he's so soft for her, what a weirdo. I wonder where she is though, she does have a tendency to walk away by herself.

"She was getting drinks and I had told her to stay there while I grab minyu but when I turned back she was gone. I shouldn't have left her, she isn't in the right mind when she's drunk and she already seemed pretty out of it" she tells him as he nods listening.

"Let's look for her, Felix and jisung can stay here if she come back and Seungmin and Changbin will come with us. I'm sure nothing bad has happened to her" he tells her as she nods. Groaning Changbin gets up with seungmin to look for the drunk girl.

"Hyunjin can you ask the bartender to keep an eye out for her?" He asks me as I nod reluctantly.

Standing up I make my way over to the bar and ask the man who was currently cleaning up spilt alcohol. "Can you keep and out of for a girl that's about 5'5, dark brown hair that' just past her shoulders and slightly chubby. Is very clumsy and is called one or mihyun" I tell him as he nods.

"I seen someone that looks similar head to the toilets, she seemed like she was going to vomit" he tells me as I nod and make my way over to the toilets. Passing by the woman standing in line I yell out for mihyun who doesn't answer.

"Excuse me, you can't just cut through us like that" a voice says as I look to see a girl waiting for the toilet.

"I'm sorry" I mutter walking away. Where the fuck is she? The club was loud with the music itself, but the people dancing and talking over it was giving me a headache. It would be difficult to find her.

"Wait, I seen some girl go into the men's bathroom before. A guy was helping her and well it might be her" the girl says stopping me as I thank her and push through the men's line. Opening the door I start knocking on all the bathroom doors.

"Mihyun are you in here!" I asks loudly, the sound of music could be heard even in here.

"Hyunjin" she says making me stop in my steps. My heart felt loud and pumped hard against my chest. Almost instantly I felt my body go cold as if the room temperature suddenly dropped. Turning towards the stall I heard her voice from i tense.

Something wasn't right.

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