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After the whole uncovering of what Hyunjin did we decided it be best to stay quiet. The last thing we both wanted was for him to go to jail. We were seated on the couch watching a random show when the others walked through the door rather loudly.

"Hima I told you for the fifth time I'm gay, I don't want you older sister" he tells my friend who groans at his words and takes a seat next to me. Cuddling into my side as I pay her arm.

"What about you Felix?" She asks the freckled boy who scoffs loudly at her.

"Do you seriously think I would date a thirty year old? I'd prefer Mihyun who is actually near my age and that says a lot" he tells Hima who likes her tongue out at Felix.

"What's wrong with Mihyun?" Hyunjin asks his freckled friend who suddenly goes tongue tied as his friend questions him. "She's pretty and smart. She's more than any basic bitch you've been with" Hyunjin scowls at Felix who stares inbetween us in shock.

Where did this Hyunjin come from?

"Felix don't insult Mihyun and Hyunjin please we don't need you two getting into a fight" Chan breaks the silence to Hyunjins question as he pulls away the freckled boy who rolls his eyes.

"What was the about?" Yerhi asks me as the rest make their way to wherever they were wanting to go. Shrugging my shoulders I look at Hyunjin who rests his hand on the top of my head. Patting it lightly.

"I like Mihyun. So I don't like hearing others talk shit about her" he tells yerhi who nods slowly looking down at me.

"Do you like him?" She asks me as my face blooms a dark red. Why was I always so flustered when my friends asked me these questions.

"I don't know" I tell her honestly as she nods and walks away to her boyfriend. I rest against the couch as I feel Hyunjin massage my scalp with his fingers.

"I wasn't lying. I like you Mihyun" he tells me as I nod. I knew he was telling the truth. He has been continuously telling me how much I am worth and how pretty I am since the incident. He didn't seem like the kind go lie about that, so I trusted his words.

"I don't want a relationship I'm sorry. It's just I don't think I could mentally handle it before and now after I don't think I could be all physical with you" I tell him as he nods.

"Don't worry I understand. I wasn't expecting a relationship anyway I just wanted to let you know. Besides I would never force you to do anything sexual with me if you weren't ready" he tells me as I humm in acknowledgement.

He was always so nice and caring. Maybe I do like him, it would be strange to feel so close and comfortable with him if I didn't have some sort of feelings for the older.


Our trip had ended and since we had classes and lectures to attend we had to head back. I was yet again stuffed in the middle of the car next to Minyu and Hima next to her. Suhyuk and his boyfriend seungmin werenij the front being all lovey and Dovey again.

Unlike the way there it was quiet. Well besides the two in the front. Us girls in the middle didn't speak and mainly rested for the drive.

It had been a long and emotional time at Yerhis vacation home and honestly I was done with drinking and partying. I don't think I'll touch another drink for some time now.

Eventually they pulled up to the forms and everyone went their own way home. I walked home and entered a silent and almost cold house. Turning on lights and placing down my bags I ended up resting in my bed content with the feeling of being home.

If only he were here to hold me. Did I seriously want Hyunjin still? Tossing onto my side I peak at the time shown on my alarm clock. It was only four pm. He probably had plans with others, I couldn't seriously bother him.

Sighing I grab my phone and open up my messages to find his contact. I wonder if he will come over? I keep being overbearing so its probably not a good idea to message him.

Turning off my phone I feel it ding in my hand. Opening it I see his message.

H: Can I come over?

Texting yes and my address I wait impatiently for him to arrive. Making sure my apartment was tidy first I sit down on my bed waiting for Hyunjin. I hated how dependent I was becoming on him, I felt so bad that all I was doing was being a nuisance.

Hearing my doorbell I sprint to the door and open it seeing the man I had seen only hours before at Yerhis vacation home. Engulfing him in a hug, he hugs me back chuckling lightly at my jester.

"I missed you" I whisper embarrassed.

"I missed you too" he tells me bringing me inside as he closes my door. "You have a nice place. Do you live alone?" He asks me as I nod.

"I do but I have a cousin that comes over some times" I tell him.

"It's that Min guy right?" He asks me as I nod surprised he knew. I never thought he would have out it together. "I could tell you guys were close when I first saw him in the cafeteria. And than when I heard you call him when you were running from those people" he tells me as I nod.

He's very observant and quick.

"What do you want to do?" I ask him making my way back to my bed almost like it was magnetically pulling me closer to it.

"I just wanted to see you, anything fine" he tells me as I nod pulling him down onto my bed. "Did you want to cuddle?" He asks nervous as I nod engulfing myself with my blanket.

"Yes, unless it makes you uncomfortable?" I ask him as he shakes his head.

"It's not that I just. I'm not the best at being soft with people. You probably know already from how I treat you. I don't know how to be kind and nice like this" he tells me laying down awkwardly. Pulling him closer to me I wrap my arms around his waist.

"You've treated me very nicely. Well excusing the first few encounters. But you helping me these last few days had made me feel very comfortable around you Hyunjin" I tell him snuggling close to his chest as he holds me.

"I really like you, but I'm scared that I'll do something to hurt you. Or you will be frightened of me and runaway" he tells me quietly. His voice close to a whisper.

"You won't" I tell him.

"Mihyun I'm not a good person. I don't seem to be good at handling my emotions and I'm afraid that I'll hurt you" he tells me.

"I'm no Saint either Hyunjin. But I won't leave you as long as you don't leave me. I'm not one to leave someone I like easily" I tell him.

"Does that mean you like me?" He asks me. His hand reaching to play with my hair.

"I think I do. But like I said before, a relationship is something that I don't think I'm prepared for. I was in one once and I hurt them badly. I was too overbearing and they took their life because of me" I tell him. His hands stop momentarily as I speak.

"Trust me Mihyun, I won't let go of you easily. We both have pasts but we are older and now we have each other. I won't leave you" he tells me resuming his hands as he continues playing with my hair.

"I won't leave you either" I tell him.

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