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Trigger warning this is a bit sad and well include assault I'm sorry I feel bad but this is a major moment that kind of impacts the whole story. I won't write anything that is too horrible like r***. Forgive me.

Slamming into the door A few times I eventually get the lock to break and it opens to a sight I wished i didn't see. Her hair was a mess and she sat on the floor right next to the toilet sobbing loudly. He stood cowering in front of her, his pants slightly undone and his nose bloody from what I assume she had done.

"Hyunjin" she sobbed, looking away from her I grab him by his collar and pull him harshly out the stall away from her. I didn't want her to see this.

"Peace or shit" I say throwing a punch directly into his already bleeding nose hearing a crack. He lets out a slight yell as I push him to the ground and start continue hitting him, each time harder than before. My vision grew slightly blurry as I felt my hands start to cover in his blood.

"I-I'm Sorry" he says as I pull away for a moment.

"I'm not" I say standing up and kicking his head into the wall. He falls limp and I make eye contact with the man that entered. He leaves quietly and I go back to kicking him. Feeling content enough at the moment I push him into a stall as he laid unconscious.

Walking back over Mihyun who had her head down still crying. Wiping my hands on my black shirt I bend down to her and slowly touch her shoulders.

"Mihyun? Tell me exactly what he did to you" I tell her quietly and as softly as I could. I had no clue how far he had gotten with her and I was scared to know. But mostly I was scared for her.

"He touched me" she says between her sobs as try and steady my breathing. "He tried taking off my dress and he said I would like it if I just stayed quiet" she says looking up at me, my heart tightens as I stare at her.

"He didn't go any further?" I ask her still unsure and scared to pressure her into speaking. This would scar her and I didn't want to add to it. "You don't have to tell me right now if you don't want to" I assure her as she shakes her head. Her hand going to grip onto the sleeve of my shirt.

"He put it in my mouth. I was so scared" she says leaning into my chest to hide her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I say feeling my eyes blur again as I cry with her. The guilt eating away at me as I wish I could have stopped this from happening. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you" i say again wrapping my arms around her.

After she finally stopped sobbing so badly and I got myself together I helped her up and fixed her dress. Holding her close to me I walk her out the bathroom and over to the others who were still looking for her. "Don't tell them" she whispers to me. "I don't want them to know" she says quietly.

"I won't tell them" I tell her holding her closer. "Hey guys, I found her. She is really tiered so she needs to go home now" I tell them fighting the urge to tell them exactly what had happened. But it wasn't my right, she trusted me with telling me and I didn't want to hurt her more.

"Okay, lets get you home" yerhi says slightly skeptical that it was all that happened.

"I have something to do so don't wait for me" I tell them turning away as I slowly pass Mihyun over to her friend who holds her closely. I could tell the girls most definitely were confused and worried, the guys had no clue and mainly believe my words.

Turning back to the bathroom I see the girl that had told me where Mihyun was and I felt like hitting her for not helping when she obviously had a gut feeling something was wrong. But right now, I didn't care about her, I still had that trash to deal with.


Opening the door to Yerhis house I walk in quietly. It had taken a bit longer than I had expected so by the time I got back everyone was asleep and all the lights were off. Besides the bathroom light. Knocking quietly on the door i here the tap stop running and someone open the door.

"Are you okay?" I ask mihyun, I knew the answer but I really had no clue what to say. I didn't know how she felt and was an outsider to her mind. In that moment I really just wanted to keep her company, I didn't want her to do anything to herself.

"No" she tells me looking at her feet. "I'm sorry about earlier" she tells me as I hug her.

"Don't be sorry, don't ever apologise for what happened" I tell her. "I'm sorry I should have gotten to you quicker before it got to that point" I tell her as I feel her start to cry again. My clean shirt getting damp from her tears.

"What did you do to the guy?" She asks me looking up to see me.

"I hurt him and made sure he wouldn't hurt you again" I tell her not enacting to say the full truth. She gives me a slightly confused look. "I have some friends that will keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't get anywhere near another female or anyone for that matter" I tell her as she nods and leans back into my chest. Her arms tugging at the ends of my shirt.

"Can you stay up with me tonight, I don't want to be alone but I don't want to bother my friends" she tells me as I nod.

"Of course, how about we go to the lounge room and I'll make some tea" I tell her as she nods. We walk slowly down the hallway and down the stairs. My arm holding her as she holds onto my sleeves. I wanted so badly to keep her close and protect her, i was late this time but I won't ever be late again.

Mihyun I promise, no one will hurt you.

Yet again sorry about that.

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