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The trip ended up being longer than expected but thankfully the taxi stopped and I was most fucking definitely shocked at the huge, big, humongous... any other word to describe how giant this beautiful house is. After paying the driver who was also glancing at the house in awe I walked in the gate and up to the door as I nervously rang the doorbell. Why am I nervous? Oh that's right cause I creepy ass dude is inviting me to his house and probably will murder me.... hopefully I'm just paranoid right? Right? Fuck please just be paranoid. The place was silent and cameras where placed right near the door and near the side hidden by a couple of plants. It's not fully hidden and only an idiot wouldn't see it.

After two minutes Felix opened the door and harshly grabbed my wrist, dragging me inside. My eyes wandered the silent mansion as I noticed the beautiful white stone table top and colourful paintings that hung in the lounge room. The kitchen oh bitch don't you get me started, it was a kitchen that I'd literally kill to have. It was beautiful and white but soon the white ends up being too white and how the fuck can they not stain it as it's fucking everywhere? Who knows but hey they are rich so anything is possible for them.

My heart felt heavy and my tablet made me feel sleepy and calm. My tablet was an anti depressant and would pretty much set me into a chill zone calming me down as I almost felt like I was as light as a feather. It was like I was high yet I wasn't craving food or anything and nor was my tablet illegal. Despite the tablet working I still felt awfully paranoid and angry at the fact I had to come to Felix's house on a Sunday when he could have gotten someone else to do whatever he wanted.

"Why did you need me?" I ask him kind of scared at how quiet and empty the house is as he continues to drag me up the steps. My hand now growing saw at the amount of force he is putting onto it. As I try to tug my hand out of his with out seeming scared is almost impossible. His grip was stronger than I thought as he seemed like a barker not a biter.

"I need help with an assignment and everyone else was busy" he simply sates as we finally reach the second floor. Yeah I was also busy today, busy with watching tv and eating and maybe catching up on some of the stories on my phone. But hey why don't you just pretty much force me to come to your house. He makes me so angry and I don't know why he thinks he can just force me to do whatever he want and whenever. But if I want to remain safe I have to listen.

He opens the door to a room which I assume is his and fucking locked the door like dude the fuck no one will come in since there is no one here! He sits down on the ground and stares at me as if wanting me to do the same. I can't believe I'm such a nice person doing this when I could be resting! Damn assholes.

"What do you need help with?" I ask him as he smirks as if I'm an idiot for even asking. Looking at him in proper light I was quite shocked at his beauty, for such a cute and also manly face he definitely was gorgeous. Even his nearly invisible freckles that hide under his makeup.

"I don't need help, you just have to do it all and make it seem like I did it" he says as he lays back on the floor looking up at the ceiling. Well you could have just given it to me why the fuck did I have to come to your house and do it with your evil eyes watching my every move. Why can't at least one good looking guy be nice or straight? Despite me being a bit judgmental Felix could be a nice guy who just has issues with females or nerds or just me in general? I don't know and I'd prefer to keep it unknown.

Sighing I comply to his wishes and grab my computer from the bag and start doing HIS assignment as he pretty much sleeps. Graphic design was never my strong point and I wasn't even studying it so I doubt it would be any good so he better be fucking grateful for me trying. Lol like that would ever happen. For his assignment he chose some sort of car he wanted to design and it looks so complex. Making it is not a piece of cake. After designing it I then had to make it 3D as well as I had to add his colours and turn it into a slide show and power point about the steps I took to get it to where it was.

"Are you done yet? My friends are coming over soon and I'd prefer if you weren't here" he tells me as he gets up and heads out the room. What a dick! I'm doing his assignment and he's telling me to hurry up? Ugh I just want to go to bed and sleep, I don't want to hang out with a mean guy that is just using me for his assignment. Where did he go now?

Not caring about trying to fix up grammar or punctuation I saved his assignment onto his USB and shut down my computer standing up I walk out of his room trying to find Felix, and to my misfortune numerous voices make themselves known on the first floor. Sighing I grip my computer tighter and make my way down the stairs and to the first floor where immediately the voices get louder and I finally come in eye contact with the guys. Only five of the nine are here which I'm glad about.

Just not so glad that it's Felix, Minho, Jisung, Hyunjin and Chan. Despite me not knowing Hyunjin I'd prefer to keep it that way. Hyunjin was pretty distant and I have never heard him speak but plenty rumours go around saying he's got a criminal record, he's taken other students organs if they didn't do his work and apparently he's more dangerous than Minho when angered. He's a bad guy who I don't want to get involved with in the slightest. Despite these being rumours I think I'll keep my knowledge on him unknown and little.

"You already fucking a girl so early in the morning?" Jisung asks Felix who just laughs at his squirrel like friend. "No way in hell would I sleep with her, shes, shes, omg no way" Felix's outburst was clear and loud and did not effect me at once but as I said before, I wasn't his type, I wasn't tall, sexually needy and pretty. Ignoring the non stop mean comments flowing out of Felix's mouth as he continued to laugh I walked up to him.

"It's finished, please delete my number or I'll block you. Thank you for having me" I say passing him his USB and bowing to the other men that are older as I walk out the door. I faintly hear Jisung laugh at Felix flooding him with comments about me so called rejecting him. I laugh slightly and make my way to my Uber driver I had previously called.


The next day was hectic as rumours where flooding the law section that there was a new teacher coming with looks that could make him an idol. Despite me not being interested in this news it's pretty hard to ignore when every girl in my class won't stop gawking about it and want me to start tutoring them so they get compliments from him. It's dumb actually as they don't even know if he'll be teaching one of our classes, he could be teaching a senior class or something so nothing makes our class special. Sadly they do have a tiny chance and I'm a nice person to allow a group study session to be held on a Wednesday for every first year studying law who wishes to join.

Knowing the girls here I know they will pull out because either they are rich or something comes up. So most likely I'll only have three or four people actually come but because they want to study not because of the hot new teacher. The real reason why I'm so upset today is because I already know who the new teacher is.

He's mean, lazy and sadly he's my cousin. Not really blood related but we grew up together in the same place and he technically brought me up, so I just call him my cousin. I haven't spoken to him since he last gave me my fake driver license. He's my good friend who is not so good.

His name is Min Yoongi or as he prefers, Suga. Fucking dork.

And you didn't expect that did you? Well if you did than that's some creepy shit but hey I can't judge, don't kill me..... *prays in corner*

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