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Turning around I come face to face with Chan, the leader of the group of dic- I meant straykids as they prefer... fucking losers. I smile politely and bow as I go to try and leave again and he rudely speaks again. Fuck that kissable mouth!

"I'm surprised you aren't drunk yet or are you just coming into my house to steal?" He asks as I hear his feet come closer. My heart beat quickens as I look around for something or anyone that might be conscious or useable in the room. And guess what? Fucking nothing that's what. Useless people and rich mans house. Ugh.

"No I'm sorry I had left awhile ago with my friends and I forgot this backpack" I say turning around coming face to face with Chan who stands there as innocently as the guy can manage. Damn hot guy your making me flustered.

"That's my friend Felix's bag, you shouldn't lie" he says shaking his head as if saying bad-bad no no. And no shit it's not my bag and if I had a choice I would gladly give it to you but I don't have a death wish. Fuck I should have taken my happy pill today.

"I didn't lie, it is his and I never said it wasn't nor did I say it's mine. I just said 'this bag'. I would gladly leave it but I have to do his assignment" I say punching myself for speaking rudely to my senior. Gorgeous senior at tha- never mind.

"Ooh sassy, just how I like it" he smiles pulling my arm. Is this guy reading some type of cheesy fan fiction written by a fifteen year old or some shit? He needs to work on his pick up lines. That line ain't getting shit, besides the occasional idiot that comes along.

Not wanting to be any more myself to this dick I let him pull me with him. Taking in the way we go we finally end up in a room to my non happiness has the group in, even Jeongin is here though still in his work clothes and hands holding a bag of food. Yum. Ugh I just ate and now I'm hungry again.

"Look I'm sorry sunbae but I have to get going or my parents will be worried why I'm not back at such a late hour" I say tugging my arm from his grip hard that even he seems shocked at why I didn't do that earlier. I just want to go home and sleep and maybe go on YouTube while I'm at it.

"Hyung why is she here?" Felix asks as I turn to look at him as he glares at me. Piss off you good looking son of handsome man. Glueing my feet to the ground I watch the group as they stare at me annoyed. Well some unbothered, others just don't seem to mind and others seemed too drunk to notice me.

"You guys wanted a girl so I got one" Chan says smiling like he won the prize. By the groans followed after that sentence it was apparent I wasn't the girl they wanted. Sorry for not being in six inch hot pink heels and wearing a dress that could pass as underwear.

Rolling my eyes I scan the room looking at each guy and soon my eyes come in contact with Hyunjin. Looking away to hide the fact that he scares me I awkwardly stay standing. Damnit why did our eyes have to meet.

"One why are you here?" Asks a voice making me jump as I come face to face with Yerhi. Her clothes and blonde hair a mess as she kisses me on the cheek and ends up locking eyes with Minho that's sitting on the ground near a bed.

"You know this girl babe?" Minho asks as she goes over to him as he slings an arm over her shoulder. Soon comes Suhyuk as he sits next to a giggling Seungmin who is laughing about something Suhyuk said. He got lucky, Seungmin is a cutie and I actually don't know why he's in this group. He's cute, kind and definitely boyfriend material.

"She's my best friend, One this is Minho, Minho this is One my closest and sweetest friend ever" she says smiling at me as Minho looks me up and down but just shrugs his shoulders as he starts making out with Yerhi.

"One? I thought your name was Mihyun?" Felix asks looking pissed as if I slept with his wife and him and before I left took his money. I thought you called me nerd? As I mentally kick myself I just give him a 'don't kill me' smile. Suhyuk who is quick to fill in the angry and confused Felix.

"That is her birth name but everyone calls her One" he says pulling Seungmin closer to him as I watch Seungmin get on his lap as Suhyuk leaves hickeys on his shoulder and neck. Eager much, isnt Jeongin to young to see this? I'm to innocent to see this and I don't want to see this... well kind of but anyway. Back to the serious moment!

"I'm sorry for my intrusion but I really must go" I say stepping back as I go to turn but fucking Chan just had to grab my arm and turn me back around. "Don't go I want us to get along" he says as I feel my heart do jumps as his cuteness. Until he fucking had to continue. Why? I thought he was being innocent?

"Get along really well" he says wiggling his eyebrows as I send him a face of disgust before remembering I had to be innocent. He looks confused but shrugs it off and pulls me closer to him. He smells so good, almost like rain or the ocean. Fuck he smells good. Wait... why am I smelling him? I'm so fucking weird.

"Hyung you should really get a better taste in girls" another boy who I know is Jisung says as he looks me up and down complete disgust. He shakes his head when he's finished sizing me up as if I'm meat that's gone bad and he doesn't want it. Jisung is just a plain asshole. He's gay and surprisingly doesn't sleep around an awful lot but he's a bully and is doing a fashion course like Zima and Hima.

"He's right plus I don't really want to you know.." I say pushing myself away from him as he gives up and goes over to the rest of the boys. They soon forget my existence as well as Suhyuk and Yerhi who has disappeared with Minho.

I just roll my eyes at the lot of horny and arrogant young adults before walking out. The house is now dead silent and the time? Fucks me all I want right now is my bed. As I make my way out the house and into the cold air I walk down the road before feeling an uncomfortable stare on me.

Turning around I see Hyunjin watching me as he puffs on his cigarette. Damn talk about creepy. I give him a little wave as he doesn't brake eye contact nor make any movement to seem less creepy. I swear these guys gives me the fucking creeps. Turning around I continue to walk back home as quickly as possible without seeming suspicious.


My peaceful and much needed sleep was interrupted by an unpleasant phone call from the one and only asshole, Felix. How he has my number I'm going to assume Yerhi gave it. If not, than that's creepy shit. "I need you to come to my house now, I'll send you the address. Bring my backpack" he says loud and clear before hanging up. We'll guess my Sunday is going to be shit. Grabbing my glasses on the table besides me I slip them on. Soon my phone pings with a message no doubt being Felix, as I look I notice it's the same number as before followed by an unknown address that is obviously his.

Getting up slowly I angrily showered and got dressed. Wearing a black skirt reaching my knees and a white shirt underneath an overly large white hoodie, taking off my glasses I put in my contacts and took my pill as I groaned at my reflection before grabbing the douches back pack and heading to the address that is most undoubtedly Felix's house. Damn prick didn't even let me sleep in.

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