Chapter 64 || Dragon

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"You look like you're about to give birth to a dragon," Adrian laughs as tears flow down my cheek. He hands me another water bottle which I gulp down in seconds while glaring at him.

"I'm... better now," I gasp, inhaling and exhaling sharply through my teeth. "Just... I can't eat more of that," I point at the plate of food.

"It's not even that bad," Adrian scoffs, taking a bite from it himself. I close my eyes, trying to shake away the pain of seeing someone eat something so spicy. "And... it's vegetarian."

"Just because I'm vegetarian doesn't mean I eat everything vegetarian. Do you see me eating those leaves? No. No you don't," I tell him.

"You know, it's still quite early. We can go grocery shopping," He suggests as he takes another bite of something I'm never eating again.

"Let's go grocery shopping then," I agree with him. He looks at my bitten food and then looks at me. "You can have it." He grins before gulping down my share of the food as well. He takes the plates and tosses them in the trash can.

I take one more sip of water, before I realize that I have to pee. "Adrian...?" I start, and he turns to me. He notices me uncomfortable wiggling around and groans.

"You need to use the bathroom?"

I nod, smiling sheepishly. He holds a finger at me. "You wait right here, I'll go find a restroom."

"Wouldn't it be easier if I came with you, so that when you do find it, you won't have to walk back all the way, and it'll save us both some time?" I reason. He nods his head slowly as if saying 'that could work too, but I just think my idea is better because it was my idea'.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" A female voice squeaks out. I turn around to see the girl I met a while ago. I cock my head slightly.

"Why?" I ask her.

"I didn't know your ex-boyfriend was Adrian Black. I didn't even know he was Adrian Black. I mean, not everyone knows what his face looks like," She pauses for a second and looks at Adrian. "Are you really Adrian Black?"

Adrian gives her a cold, heartless stare before slightly tilting his head. "Do you want me to prove it to you?"

Her face drains of color again. "I'm just really sorry for checking him out, please don't kill me."

While I'm still very confused on what the fuck is going on, Adrian simply nods in her direction and she scurries off. I frown. "That wasn't very nice Adrian."

"What do you mean?"

"She's obviously scared of you. You can't just go all 'do you want me to prove it to you?' on a random chick," I speak his lines in a lower tone. Mocking him is fun.

"Everyone's scared of me."

"I'm not. Blake's not. Anna's not. Kaden's not. Dylan's not. Luna's not. I can name a lot of people that aren't scared of you," I cross my arms, cocking my eyebrow like I've made a point.

"That's because you're all my inner circle."

"So Kaden's a friend now?"

"Yeah, but he's still like a brother to you," He retorts.



"I still have to pee!"

He sighs. "Right. Well, do you want me to carry you or can you waddle?"

I scrunch my nose up but then smile. "Carry me." He grins at me before lifting me up bridal style and carrying me towards the bathroom.


Uh-oh was the most I could say in this situation because if I say more, it would turn into hysterical bawling, cursing and then kicking. "Adrian..." I squeak out, my lower lips quivering. "Our bags." Fuck all the other things that were in the bags! My gopher present and infinity keychain were in the bag! Not to mention my dumb anxiety pills.

Adrian wraps his arms around my shoulder, and pulls out his cell phone. "Don't worry, we'll have the bags, gopher and all, back in no more than fifteen minutes." He squeezes my shoulder comfortingly. He begins to talk to someone on the phone, which I try to pay attention to but my mind is on the gopher.

I bought it for my Addy-Baddy. My Gopher.

Now some random person has it and I feel like a stupid tourist who doesn't know the rules of a new country.

Why would we leave the bags alone?! I feel so stupid. Scratch that. I am stupid. Adrian lifts my chin up to meet his emerald green eyes. "Look behind you." I turn around to see a pair of men almost running towards us with our bags in their hands.

Wow, that was fast. They hand us the bag with a look of grave fear in their eyes. Then they run away. I turn Adrian. "That powerful huh?"

"Don't underestimate my power, Jail-Bail," He smirks. My heart flutters. He's never called me by that nickname before. "Or my love for you."

"I love you too. Now let's go grocery shopping already, so I can call you mine and kiss you senseless!"

"You're more eager than I am."

My face falters slightly at that. "You're not eager?" Stupid paranoia! I hate it so much! I know he loves me, but... what if he's not excited to have me back? What if he'd rather not be my boyfriend? What if I'm being too hard on him?

We're in a new country and it's my first time... What if he leaves me?

"Of course I'm eager. I didn't mean it like that... It's just- I love you okay? I don't care how long I have to wait for you. You're not some piece of candy that I'd be eager to have, you're my entire world. If I can't wait for my world to feel okay again, then what kind of a guy am I?"

"Then let's go grocery shopping already," I say through a wide smile. "Because..." I lean closer to his ear. "Between you and me. You're my world too."

"I love you," He smiles before taking my hand in one hand and the suitcase in the other hand. I take the other suitcase as well and hand in hand, we walk towards Adrian's car. It's not black. It's a gorgeous yellow color and looks like one of those cars.

"It's a BMW," He smirks. "The latest model. I could kiss it..." He begins to drool over it, while I roll my eyes and pat his back before climbing into the car. Now it was my turn to drool. The insides of this baby were incomparable. It was like sitting in heaven.

Probably my only glimpse of heaven because I know I'm going to hell. Why even bother?

Adrian gets into the car, but it's kind of weird in India because the passenger seat and driver seat are switched, then he slides his hands romantically over the steering wheel. "This baby cost me a hundred thousand dollars."

He starts the car smoothly and pulls out of the parking lot. The drivers and pedestrians here were not nearly as organized as back home. I really loved it though. I loved the sounds of motorcycles and horns honking at each other. I never really liked silence anyway.

"Just you wait," Adrian says. "We're still on the highways. Wait till we get into the city, that's when the real fun begins." 


a/n: my favorite part about india is the random animals that you see on the roads. the cats, dogs, cows and the occasional pigs... so cute. my favorite is the dogs. i used to have a few street dog friends that i'd feed daily. 

i even pet one, but i'm not sure my parents were happy about that. but i was quite proud that i got the dog to come close to me. it wasn't the friendliest one- so yay me! 

anyhooooo, thank you so much for reading! i hope you liked this chapter. u know... a cute baidrian moment! and yayyy, they're going grocery shopping!!! 

the end of book is also nearing. i mean, like... 67-70 chapters should be plenty. i was originally planning on writing only 40-50 chapters, but here we are. so much drama has happened. 

thank you for reading! i love youuu! ♥️

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