~ Chapter 3 ~

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A/N – In this chapter I’m going to explain what happens in Oli’s life also that picture is what Sam looks like. Enjoy!

- Mimi x


( Oli’s POV )

Come on Oli it’ll be fine. You’ll do the project for two weeks and that’ll be all. She wont find out about any of this, your secrete will be safe if you just keep your mouth shut. Just don’t speak, I mean you’ve managed to do that for a whole year and you worrying about spilling it to some random popular girl. It’ll be fine as long as you keep your mouth shut I mean it!

I stand in front of my door taking a deep breathe before pulling out my keys and opening the door as quietly as possible in hope my father is asleep.

I step through the hallway listening to the silent house, the best feeling I’ve had in weeks. I place my foot on the first step on the stairs before a sudden fist connects with my face. I begin to get flung back, slamming my head on the wall and falling to the ground. My vision is blurry and I see a vague figure of a man get closer to me as I hear the footsteps get louder. Before I know it I am held by the collar of my tank top and slammed against the wall several times, each time worse than the previous.

“Where do you think you were,” the figure speaks, his voice sending shivers down my spine before his fist, once again, connects with my face.

“Dad, please stop, Dad!” I call out.

He laughs a sinful laugh before smacking me back down onto the floor and leaving.

I lay there for what seems like forever until I get the strength to stand up. I take a few steps towards the front door and grabbing my backpack and keys before opening it

“You better go get me some more drink Son,” he says through yet another of his sinful laughs.

I run down the street to a local park to sit down and think. I usually come here when things like this happens which is pretty often actually. I open my bag to find a few tissues and unlock my phone to turn on my camera. An unfamiliar face greets me; I mean this is probably the worst I have ever looked. Two bright purple bruises begin to form on my face, one on my cheek the other around my eye. Blood drips down from my forehead and some from my cheek. I role up the sleeve of my hoodie to see old bruises that are beginning to heal however there are so many of them they are still obvious.

“Ugh,” I accidently say out loud. I pat the blood away from my face and cover any of my bruises that are on show with my hoodie. I stick my earphones in blasting SWS, pull out my notebook and a pen and lay down writing whatever comes to my head first.


A few hours later, around 8:00, I decide to go get the drink my father wishes to have. I pack up all my things and go to the same liquor store I get all my dads drink from. I sneak in with my hood up pretending to look at magazines before taking a small bottle of Vodka off the shelf and placing it into my bag. Once everything is clear I just walk out, with the Vodka in my bag and yet again another bad conscious. I purposely make the walk home slow however was still to fast for my likening. I open the door with the same scared feeling sitting in my stomach as the thousands of times before.

As I walk in I place the Vodka on top of the counter top before sprinting up to my bedroom and shutting the door as quietly as possible. Throwing my bag down onto the floor I lay in bed, still in my clothes incase I ever need to escape my father, slip in my earphones and attempt to fall asleep.

This entire time I play back my past, my mum coming up to me with my brother Tom and telling me she will be back soon, leaving the house. I remember sitting at the window every night wishing for Mum to be back soon as Dad drank his sorrows away. As the months went on life became worse, Dad drank more and more and started to hit me. I didn’t think much of it because I knew he was upset and sad and would always tell me how sorry he was and that hell never do it again and I would just say, “It’s okay.” That’s how life played off, him drinking, me crying myself asleep then I would just tell him it was okay and I forgive him.

Sometimes I would have the courage to tell him how it wasn’t okay but I couldn’t hate him, he was my Dad and I loved him but my love for him grew less and less. That one-week was when everything went down hill. My best friend Devin had killed himself only a few days ago for still unknown reasons, my girlfriend had left me with rumors that she cheated, my dad began to stop saying sorry and would beat me more and more and I was officially alone.

I think about this continuously until I am asleep.


A bright light shines through to my eyes waking me up. I sit up checking my phone, “ugh, 5:00 a.m.,” I accidently whisper to myself.

I get up changing my outfit before grabbing my backpack and going downstairs. Grabbing my freshly made cup of coffee I head out to school. Taking the same route I slip my earphones into my ears and drag my body down the road, occasionally taking sips of my drink.

Around halfway of my route to school I hear something.

I pull out my earphones to hear, “Hey! Oli, wait up.”  Turn around to see Amelia jogging across the road to meet up with me. I smile at her as she takes one last step before she is right next to me.

“Is it alright if I walk with you,” she says in a soft tone of voice.

“Erm, yea of course,” I say awkwardly. Well done Oli she probably already thinks you’re a freak.

We walk in silence for a while however its comfortable, not one of us feeling the need to break it until Amelia speaks.

“Hey I was just wondering,” she says with a slight pause, “if you wanted to go out after school, maybe back to mine or yours so we can talk about this project.”

“Yeah sure, erm I was just erm, wondering if-“ I say taking a small breathe. I look at Amelia the same smile plastered on her face. Wow she really is pretty. Wait what. No Oli you cant say that, she is way too good. Just remember to stay quiet other wise you’ll just ruin her life like you always do.

“Could we please do it at yours, “I finally say.

“Yeah sure,” she says happily.

The rest of the walk consists of us talking about music, turns out we have way more in common than I thought. I m really beginning to like her, but it’s a shame I can’t.

I'm Scared To Get Close, I Hate Being Alone! // An Oli Sykes FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin