~ Chapter 10 ~

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A/N – Sorry if this chapter is a bit boring. Enjoy!

-Mimi x



“Ma’am you are free to go in now,” the nurse says to me with a tone of relaxation in her voice. I nod before walking into Oli’s room to witness the exact same Oli as I’ve seen everyday. My heart begins to beat uncontrollably, come on Amelia just stay strong for him, you’ve done this so many times, don’t break now. I take his hand and sit down, take a deep breath and begin to speak as if everything was okay, “Hiya, sorry for only being able to stay 10 minuets yesterday, traffic,” I start off, beginning to laugh slightly. “I finally graduated today, sorry you missed out, it was actually kinda fun. Mum was there and so was Dad, surprisingly. I told them all about you and they thought you sounded good for me despite your past, now I really can’t wait for you to wake up.” I take a deep breath as a few tears begin to spill out of my eyes. Quickly clearing them away I begin to speak again, “I decided to skip out on the parties tonight to makeup for the 10 minuets yesterday, as much as Alix, Sam and Jordan wanted me to stay I would much rather be here with you especially now, your making so much progress. I give it only a few more days before your out of this coma, I have faith in you Oli but you need to listen to me, you can’t give up now.”

Tears are now falling freely down my face. “Go to your graduation party honey, he’ll want you to go and have fun especially for such a big occasion,” I hear a familiar voice speak as I feel her soothing hand rest on my shoulder. I look over at the nurse standing only centimeters away from me, a smile plastered on her face. I think about everything she had said before standing up and planting a long kiss on Oli’s lips, squeezing his hand tight in mine before leaving. I walk slowly towards the same door I have been walking out of for the last two months everyday and take my last look at a peaceful Oli for the last time tonight. I take a long stair at his motionless body, looking at his legs, his face and lastly his twitching hand.

Wait! Wait! His hand, it just twitched, it twitched. My body goes into complete shock before laughing uncontrollable. I look over to the nurse who is staring at me weirdly before I accidentally shout, “he moved. His hand, it moved. He’s waking up, HE’S GONNA WAKEUP!”

I run over to Oli’s side and before I know it there is another nurse and a doctor running around the rom. I’m not sure what they are doing, my eyes are only focused on Oli’s sleeping face, only centimeters from mine. I run my eyes over his body, processing every last part of it, my heart beating a million times per second. I look over at Oli’s face, staring at it with every last piece of concentration in me until I see them move. His eyes beginning to move, they’re moving. “His eyes, they’re moving,” I shout, really not caring how loud I am right now. I take a step back so I can see his entire body, watching as his hands continue to move, his eyes moving, now his arms and legs twitching the tiniest amounts. All the doctors and nurses take a step back to where I am, I think, my vision is blurry by all my tears and all I can focus on is Oli’s twitching body. I focus on his eyes as they continue to twitch more and more, I watch and watch until I see his eyelids slowly begin to open. He begins moves his arms and legs slowly and before I know it I am rushing eagerly towards him. I watch his head slowly move to look to as a large grin spreads across his face. I watch as he slowly pushes half his body about two inches higher on the bed and before I know it my face is centimeters from his. “Hi,” I whisper, tears beginning to slowly role down my face. “Come here,” he replies before connecting his lips with mine, omg did I miss this, miss him. Watching the love of your life lay lifelessly on a bed for two months, on the verge of dying, you realize how much you miss them.

I'm Scared To Get Close, I Hate Being Alone! // An Oli Sykes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now