~ Chapter 12 ~

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A/N – I’m carrying on the flashback from where I left it last chapter. Sorry if it’s a bit boring again but I need to get these next few chapters out of the way before it can get better also sorry this is really short again, haven't had much time to write lately. Enjoy!

-Mimi x


{{ FLASHBACK }} ( Oli’s POV )


“So, the lyrics?” I hear Matts voice say to me as he sits opposite me in the recording studio that I’m still star-strucked to be in. Amelia’s at school today so I decided this would be a good time to bunk and get this song done.

He’s sitting next to three boys who I have previously met around an hour ago. There’s Matt Kean, who they just call Kean; who’s fairly tall; freshly cut blonde hair; sky blue eyes and fair skin; Jordan Fish, or Fish; who has short brown, slightly curly, hair; sky blue eyes; fairly tanned skin and is only slightly shorter than me. Next to him is Lee Malia, or Malia, who is the shortest of all of us; brown, slightly long, hair that slightly sweeps over his forehead; blueish green eyes and fair, slightly pinkish, skin. They all play an instrument and decided to help me record this song and that’s how I got here.

“Oh yeah erm.. okay.” I take a deep breath, holding my notebook in front of me and began to speak the first lyric… until Nicholls interrupts me saying, “no, I mean sing them, do it like you would in there,” whilst pointing over to the small room with a microphone. I feel my face slightly heat before taking a deep breath, knowing sooner or later I was going to have to sing in front of someone. I’ve only just got some friends and a girlfriend and although they have made my confidence grow I’m still super awkward and honestly right now my heart is beating uncontrollably.

I take a deep breath and stand up; walking over to my guitar I had left near the door an hour ago. Picking it up, I quickly walk back over to where I was sitting and sit down, the room silent.

Placing my hands tightly on the guitar, I take a deep breath and begin to strum before opening my mouth to sing, “Eyes like a car crash I know I shouldn't look but I can't turn away.
Body like a whiplash,
Salt my wounds but I can't heal the way
I feel about you.

I watch you like a hawk
I watch you like I'm gonna tear you limb from limb
Will the hunger ever stop?
Can we simply starve this sin?

That little kiss you stole
It held my heart and soul
And like a deer in the headlights I meet my fate
Don't try to fight the storm
You'll tumble overboard
Tides will bring me back to you

And on my deathbed, all I'll see is you
The life may leave my lungs
But my heart will stay with you

That little kiss you stole
It held my heart and soul
And like a ghost in the silence I disappear
Don't try to fight the storm
You'll tumble overboard
Tides will bring me back to you

The waves will pull us under
Tides will bring me back to you
The waves will pull us under
Tides will bring me back to you
The waves will pull us under
Tides will bring me back to you
Tides will bring me back to you

That little kiss you stole
It held my heart and soul
And like a ghost in the silence I disappear
Don't try to fight the storm
You'll tumble overboard
Tides will bring me back to you

That little kiss you stole
It held my heart and soul
And like a deer in the headlights I meet my fate
Don't try to fight the storm
You'll tumble overboard
Tides will bring me back to you”

I stop still and open my eyes to see the same four faces starring at me with no expression. My heart starts to beat realising that I was terrible and now I’m at the point of unimaginable embarrassment. My heart beats uncontrollably out of my chest as stare blankly at their expressionless faces until I watch as four smiles begin to form on their face.

“Woah,” Malia says, a smile still plastered on his face.

“Was it really bad?” I say, trying to understand the mixed signals their giving me. Finally Nicholls stands up saying, “that was great, you have a really nice voice and those lyrics were amazing. Wanna get recording?”

I feel a smile plaster on my face feeling happiness fill every part of my body. I nod, the smile still covering my face, and we all stand up.


I stick the spare keys into Amelia’s house, as I practically live here now whenever her dad isn’t home and rush up stares. I pull off my clothes and stick on something cosy and hide my bag knowing soon Amelia will be back from school. I told her I wasn’t feeling that well so that her being so good and having a full attendance would let me have today off compared to if I just told her I was gonna bunk. Messing up my pretty much already messy hair, I grab some tissues and slam my body down on the sofa turning on Netflix and switching on Jurassic Park. I make a fresh cup of coffee before resuming my position on the sofa before Amelia comes home

I'm Scared To Get Close, I Hate Being Alone! // An Oli Sykes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now