~ Chapter 17 ~

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A/N – For any of bmth's songs I will probably mainly do songs off of Sempiternal because I introduced the band with Jordan in it, but for any of their songs I might use I'm just going to say Jordan was in the band when they were made. Enjoy!


-Mimi x

"Hmm, is there something different about you? Oh...I know you had your eyebrows done haven't you?" Oli said with a sarcastic tone as I walked through the door with my new hairstyle.

"Yeah, I had them a bit darker, you likey?" I replied sarcastically wrapping my arms around Oli's kneck, burying, my head into his shoulders.

"Its looks just beautiful as you," Oli whispered to me.

"Oh shhh," I reply through a laugh, rolling my eyes, and walk into the kitchen.

"Coffee?" I shout from the kitchen.

"Yeah please," I hear Oli say from behind me.

"Take it Dads not back yet?"

"Actually he rung up about half and hour ago, he's had to stay away for another day for some reason I cant remember but he'll be back tomorrow."

"Ha, typical," I reply handing Oli his coffee.

"What does he do anyway?"

"Who, my dad?"

"Yeah," he said through a slurp of coffee.

"Ermm, something important."

"You mean he's away practically three days a week and when he's not away he comes home super late and leaves super early but you don't know what he's doing."

"Umm, yeah... I guess," I reply, now thinking how little I actually know about my dad. "He was never there for me and I guess since then we know nothing about each other."

 "Well, your hair looks beautiful, like always," Oli said, breaking the silence, and placing his hand through my hand and stroking the side of my face softly. I looked up so my gaze met his as he bit his lip, starring back at me. I felt as his hand moved down my arm and I watched as a large smile spread across his face. I reached out my hand before he took it firmly in his and pulled my off of the counter top. Running to the bedroom with my hand still tight in Oli's, we both flip off our shoes before slamming the door.


{ The Night Austin Comes – a week later }

"You ready," I hear Fish shout from the other side of the room. I watch as every one gathers together and then a man walks through next to...Austin Carlile.

Austin frickin' Carlile is in the same room as me.

I try to steady my breathing as he speaks, saying," Hi guys, so I decided to come down to hear you along with the other bands performing so... erm, have fun out there and I'll see you after?" I watch as he walks round for a bit and shaking hands with them, I on the other hand am conjoined to Oli's arm. I watch around the room and when I turn around I see Oli gone. My heart starts to race a little knowing that today was definitely an awkward situation waiting to happen. I continue to turn around awkwardly until I see him, Austin Carlile walking my way.

I'm Scared To Get Close, I Hate Being Alone! // An Oli Sykes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now