~ Chapter 6 ~

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A/N – Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than the rest, there’ll be more longer ones, promise. Enjoy!

- Mimi x


( Oli’s POV )

“A…Amelia,” I say my voice shaky. I watch as Amelia’s lips leave Sam’s.

“Oli, it…it’s no-“ She says, her voice as shaky as mine. My eyes begin to fill with water before I swiftly turn on my heel and leave, running to the exit of the club.

“Oli wait,” I hear Amelia call from behind me as I jog up the road in pure anger. Tears begin to fall freely from my eyes as I stop, my heart beating rapidly out of my chest.


I can’t breathe. I can’t breat-

Before I know it I am rolled into a mess on the floor. My knees held up to my chest and my eyes pouring with no possible way of stopping. I squeeze my eyes unbelievably tight, trying my best to forget everything. My mum, my dad, Amelia and Sam, everything!

My thoughts are interrupted when a warm hand lies on my shoulder. I open my eye, still sobbing uncontrollably to see Alix staring down at me. I squeeze my eyes shut once again and go back to my previous state.

“What happened, “she whispers, her breath warm on my neck.

“I…I saw A,” I stutter, still uncontrollably sobbing. I take a long deep breath, inhaling and exhaling steadily.

“She-said-she-loved-me-and-I-was-her-boyfriend-then-she-hid-it-from-you-and-I… I,” I say in one deep breathe. “I saw her kissing Sam.”

“Oh Oli, are you sure you saw her kissing him or him kissing her. I know I haven’t known her for long but she’s not a bad girl, she may have had a past but her intentions are good,” she replies making me think a little.

“I… I dunno I just need to be a way for a bit I gues-“

 “Go talk to her,” Alix interrupts pointing over at Amelia. Amelia reaches us as Alix quickly stands up leaving it just us two.


“Why, Amelia?” I question interrupting her.

“He kissed me, I was just about to back away until you came in and saw, I love you Oli,” she states grabbing her hand in mine holding it tight tears beginning to form in her eyes, “I’m sorry, I understand if you don’t believe me and I understand if you don’t want to be with me any longer,” I loosen my grip on her hand and quickly stand up, “I just need some time to think, I…I will just erm see you later, okay?”

“Okay, I do love you, you know that right?” she whispers so quietly I can only just hear it.

“I know,” I reply through a long sigh before turning my heels and walking in the other direction.

I pull out my phone and stick in my earphones blasting endless MCR through my ears drums. I stroll through the streets walking around aimlessly until I finally decide to go back to Amelia’s.

I begin to walk to hers, turning corners, dragging my pathetic body down roads until I was finally here.

I grab the spare key under the matt before unlocking the door and slipping the key back away. I walk through the house as quiet as possible, yanking off my shoes and strolling up the stairs to Amelia’s room. I open the door, as silently as possible, and walk in to see a silently sleeping Amelia. I sit down on the bed to see her turn around and open her bloodshot eyes. Her makeup has run and her face is soaking wet from tears.

“I’m so sorry Oli, it really wasn’t me i-“

“It’s okay,” I reply interrupting her. I quickly rip off my clothes a clime into bed next to her frail body. I turn to face her, her face only centimeters from mine.

I reach my hand over to her face cupping it in my hands and pecking her nose. I wipe the tears from her face with my arm and pull her body into mine, wrapping my arms around her entire body. Her body heats mine as we lay like this for what seems like hours, kissing her head every few minuets before she falls sound asleep. My entire body is awake as I watch Amelia’s body sleep in complete silence. For hours she doesn’t move, her body staying completely still, breathing steady, dreaming away.

I think for a while about everything there is to possibly think about before falling into a peaceful sleep, Amelia still in my arms.


I wake up to Amelia wiggling in my tight grip. I open my eyes and let them adjust to the bright sun light, the most annoying thing on earth.

“Morning,” Amelia says seeming wide-awake.

“Morning,” I reply grabbing my phone from my bedside table scrolling through endless gifs and pictures on tumblr. After searching the entire of tumblr I decide to get up and go take a shower. I take a shower and go down stairs to see Amelia sitting with a cup of coffee.

“Hiya,” I say whilst pouring a cup of coffee for myself.

We sit and talk for a while before finally deciding to leave for school. Grabbing all my things and Amelia’s hand, intertwining our fingers through one ‘n’ others, and exiting the house. We take the same journey to school and talk about more random crap like what we always do before ending up at school. The first four periods are a blur like they always are, people still starring at me, me writing endless things in my notebook until I go to the next class to do the same.

I walk over to where Amelia’s class is and wait outside for her nervously. She walks out of her class smiling, like she always does, and I wrap my arm around her neck as we walk to go get lunch. We walk into the hall and our gaze meets with Jordans as she gestures for us to come over. I take a few deep breaths, not looking forward in seeing Sam, and walk over to the table, Amelia still in my arms.

“Oli, Amelia,” Jordan greets us, walking over to hug both of us, squeezing all the air out of my lungs. She finally releases taking her seat back at the table before me and Amelia both sit down. I hug Alix before turning my gaze to and awkward Sam on the other side of the table.

“I just wanted to say I’m really sorry for everything. I didn’t know you two were together and I shouldn’t have kissed you anyway, I’m really sorry,” Sam says breaking the awkward silence between us all.

I'm Scared To Get Close, I Hate Being Alone! // An Oli Sykes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now