~ Chapter 9 ~

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A/N - Sorry it's another short one, wasn't sure what to write for this one. Enjoy!

- Mimi x

“AMELIA, where are you,” I hear my father scream down the phone.

“I’m at my friends house and incident happened last night so I decided to stay here,” I reply still half asleep.

“What do you mean an incident, what happened, are you oka-”

“Yes dad I’m fine, remember Oli, I told you about him, h…he,” I take a long pause trying not to process the situation to much even though it still hasn’t sunken in completely.

“He got shot and is now in a coma,” I whisper so quiet I’m not sure he actually heard.

“Oh darling, are you sure your okay, you can stay at Sam’s for how long you want to as long as its okay with him, I understand you might want to be with your friends right now, love you,” he replies, honestly sounding as though he couldn’t give two shits about me right now.

“Yes, okay Dad, see you later,” I say obviously aggravated before hanging the phone up and throwing it down on the bed.

I lie down; head first into my pillow when I hear the door creak open. I stay head first not in the mood to move any part of my body right now. “You okay,” I hear Sam whisper reassuringly. Before I know it I am in a puddle of tears, my heart aching to the extreme that I’m not sure I can even breathe. I sit in Sam’s arms for a while before finally convincing him to leave me be.

As soon as he leaves the room I rush to the bathroom before stopping suddenly at my reflection. I stare at the mess of my face before splashing cold water on it and watching as my black mascara slowly runs down and past my lips. I stare at my reflection for what feels like an eternity, my eyes bloodshot and puffy, face swollen, hair disgustingly greasy, my head an absolute mess but worst of all I’m turning back into my old self. 

I walk out of my bathroom impatiently and over to my wardrobe before swinging open the doors and burying myself into a pile of clothes. I move my hands around the masses of clothes before pulling out half empty bottle of Vodka. I run back into the bathroom, locking the door behind me, and over to the mirror. Staring away from my reflection I unscrew the lid before downing as much of the liquid as my body can take, burning the entire way down.  I see a small glimpse of my messed up face before my body slams straight to the ground. My throat and stomach begins to ache an unbearable pain, as I begin to cough and cough feeling as though I could be sick. I grab the nearly empty bottle on the floor, downing the very last bit. The pain becomes too much as I continue to cough. I feel a weird liquid on my hand and begin to worry. I try to open my eyes however my vision is so blurred there was no point. I look to my hand to see a red colour smothered over it, oh fuck!

I begin to toss and turn, coughing more and more, every part of my body hurting.

I begin to think more and more about Oli, every thought stabbing my heart more times than the last. Thinking about him gone, dead, hurts me in ways you couldn’t imagine. Losing someone you love slowly, knowing there alive however could die any second kills me. I love him, I love him so much it hurts and to even think he could die any moment and I cant help in any way hurts. It hurts so fucking much that honestly this is the worst I have ever felt in my entire life and I don’t want to experience this for another second.

Before I know it I am in a puddle of tears, sobbing my entire heart out with every part of my body in pain. I am crying so much that I think any second right now I could hyperventilate.

“AMELIA,” I hear Sam shout in complete shock as he watches my dying, aching body crumble on the floor. I feel him pick me up, my eyes too blurry to see anything, and hold me close to his chest as I surprisingly continue to sob, hard and load.

“Oh baby, what happened,” he whispers into my ears, “I know,” he replies to his own question, as I don’t get a chance to speak through my sobs.

“I know this wont happen again you’re a tough girl, you need to stay positive for him whether its for another week or another few months.” I begin to nod as he plants a small kiss on my forehead before placing me in bed. I rip off my jeans before Sam tucks me in bed and rushes down stares. A while after he comes up with a selection of movies, we decide to watch Thor 2, and then we cuddle up watching the movie. He holds me tight throughout our marathon of movies, never once taking his eye off of me and making sure I stay safe.

“Go take a shower and wear something pretty I have a surprise for you,” Sam says at the end of our 3rd movie, it’s been a good few hours since the incident and it’s now around 7:00. I nod then stand up and walk into the bathroom to shower. I put on a small black dress, some tights and some black flats. I do really simple makeup and simply just dry and brush my hair, not in the mood to do anything special. I’m not going into school tomorrow, despite the fact I’m leaving in a few months, I need to be with Oli.

I finish getting ready then walk down stares to see a smartly dressed Sam waiting for me in the lounge.

“You ready?” I nod before he takes my arm in his. We walk outside and get in the car, blasting ATL until we park outside a small, cute restaurant.

Sam gets out the car and runs to my side, opening the door as I get out of the car. I walk closely behind him, walking into the restaurant and sitting down at our given seat next to a large window.

“Thank you Sam”

“What do you mean?”

“Just thank you for everything. This thing with Oli is really hurting me and you’re here, picking me up, dealing with my stupid ways, taking me out for dinner, just thank you.”

“Amelia, I love you and you know this, I will do anything to make you happy as much as you would for Oli.” I feel my heart begin to beat at his words however my mood instantly risen.

We chat all night, taking my mind completely off of Oli’s state then going home and watching movies before I fall into a long sleep on the sofa.

I see Oli sit up from a pool of blood in front of me. I look down to see me holding a gun, pointed directly at Oli’s head. “Amelia?” I hear him whisper at me however I am unable to speak and before I know it I am crying uncontrollably, tears streaming down my face. I watch as he pushes himself off the pool of blood and I drop the gun. He comes closer to me and unable to move he wraps his long arms around my waist, delicately kissing my cheek and neck. I feel shivers get sent down my spine as I feel his touch, the touch I have missed so much. I squeeze my eyes shut and when I open them, moments later, he is on the other side of the room. I watch as he tries to run to me however the more the he runs the further away from me he becomes, until he is out of site. Now able to move I begin to run towards where he used to be however for as long as I run he doesn’t appear, I cant see him and I don’t think I ever will again.

I'm Scared To Get Close, I Hate Being Alone! // An Oli Sykes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now