~ Chapter 11 ~

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A/N – Sorry that this chapter is kind of short and also kind of boring, it’s just a filler. I’m doing a flashback to before the coma and Amelia’s seventeenth birthday.


{{ FLASHBACK }} ( Oli’s POV )


“Hello?” I question into my phone, holding it tightly and close to my ear.

“Hi, Oli it’s Matt… Matt Nicholls! I was just wondering when you wanted to meet up to discuss that erm… thing you wanted to talk about,” a slightly familiar voice spoke with confidence in his voice.

“Oh, erm… hi Matt, are you free now to meet me?”

“Yeah, of course,” his still friendly, confident voice answered. Gawd, I’m so awkward. I have a girlfriend, more friends and I’m not seen as the weirdo at school (as much) any more however, I’m still Oliver Sykes so I guess I have to be scarily awkward.

I gave him the address of the small coffee shop only about twenty-five minuets away from me, said my good byes and then grabbed my bag and the spare keys. I left Amelia’s house as she’s out today and her father is somewhere like London for two days, and started my long journey. I thought about everything with my father, I don’t know what to do about this. Amelia keeps saying (what she’s been saying since she found out) that I should live with her but honestly I cant do that to her. No way her dad would me stay with his own daughter, especially when he’s gone most the time. I keep telling her that I’m fine living with my dad; I have for years. Whenever her dad isn’t home she makes me stay, to keep me from my dad and honestly I’m so thankful for it. I can’t stand my Dad, he is the worst thing in my life, dreading every second I come home but I can’t show that to her, she doesn’t deserve this. I just aim on making her happy because that’s all she deserves. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear something in the distance as I stand in front of the small coffee shop.

“Oli?” I turned around to see the familiar face of Matt, a few meters away from me. I watched as a smile creped up on his face before walking up to me (now standing) and shaking my hand.

“So, what exactly was it that you wanted to talk about?” Matt asked, now sitting on the other side of the small table, in front of me.

“Oh yeah erm… music? Well you explained how you know a guy who could help produce some music and that you know some guys who can play instruments along with yourself,” I take a small pause, before beginning again. “I was wondering if you could help me record a song. I’ve written lyrics; I’ve tried it out on guitar as well and I-was-just-wondering-if-you-could-help? I understand if you don’t wan-” I say really nervously before being cut off.

“Yeah sure man. Is there a time you need it by?”

“I erm… guess I need it to be completely done and in my hands by,” I pause, yet again, not thinking about this before, and count the months on my hands before saying, “four months.”

“Done,” Matt bursts out, shaking my hand slightly by surprise.

I can’t believe this I’m going to be able to record my own song, after all these years, and best of all I can give it to Amelia for her seventeenth birthday. Oh gawd, I hope she likes it and doesn’t think I’m a complete idiot by doing something like this. My thoughts were interrupted by a young waitress coming over to me; speaking in a sweet, northern accent; a flirtatious tone in her voice saying, “Hi boys, can I get you anything?” I watched as Matt starred at the flirtatious waitress in awe before speaking, “just a Coke please and your name?” I laughed to myself; trying not to have a fit as watched the two continue to talk in conversation.

“It’s Chloe, erm… Chloe Mellors.” I listened as they continuously spoke and spoke and then she went, coming back with two Cokes and then they continuously spoke and spoke again; before I know it he had her number and already arranged meeting up again.

After Chloe and Matts little (long! Very, very long) conversation, we began to speak about the little project we were doing, and everything else there is to talk about. He’s actually a really funny guy and a good friend; I could see us being really close.


I place the key in the lock of Amelia’s house before pushing the door open. Placing down my bag and pulling off my shoes, I walk into the kitchen to see no Amelia. I quickly stick on the kettle and make a small cup of coffee, pull out my phone from the pocket, of the same hoodie I always wear, and find Amelia’s contacts before texting:

To: Amelia

Hi. You still out? Xxx

Placing my freshly made cup of coffee on the coffee table, I plump my entire body down, hardly, onto the sofa, grabbing my laptop and switching on the T.V.

I turn on Kerrang, and scroll through Tumblr on my laptop, listening to FOB’s new song ‘Irresistable’ play in the background.

I scroll through endless pictures, before switching over to Instagram, Twitter and loads more, now and then sipping my coffee, filling my mind with useless information before I hear a loud ring coming from the coffee table. I bend over and pick up my phone to see a text message, from Amelia, reading:

From: Amelia

Coming back to mine now, see you soon. Xxx


I feel a large smile creep onto my face as I think about seeing her again before replying:

To: Amelia

See you soon. xxx


I set down my phone and begin to look through social media again, ‘As It Is’ blasting off in the background. I can’t stop thinking about Matt and the song, I just need to make sure Amelia doesn’t look in my notebook anytime soon incase she see’s the song.

I hear a door open then slam shut; hear Amelia’s sweet voice shout, “Oli,” from down the hallway.

I'm Scared To Get Close, I Hate Being Alone! // An Oli Sykes FanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum