Story Extra - Number Four

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Story Extra Number Four - Girl Time

Note: Y/n has special powers that change her appearance, because yes. I honestly have no idea what was going on in this story extra, but whatevs.

Whatever happens in here, just pretend it's all dandy and fine. Please don't kill me. Also, check out those lovely ladies~ Like, my gosh, God has done such a good job crafting such perfection. 

Story Extra Summary: Girl time with the fam.

Features: Marine Family, AKA: Sakazuki, Borsalino, Kuzan, Smoker, Issho, Garp, Sengoku, and Drake. Oh and as always, you. (And also brief Katakuri and Brulee because I love these two)


As a child, you grew up fast. And by 'grew up fast', it wasn't just about your mentality. It was your body. By the time you were five years old, you were the size of a teenager and spoke in high vocabulary words. Though, the only reason why you were the size of a teenager was because of one of your powers you had recently discovered.

The power to manipulate atoms.

You could speed up your aging process, slow it down, reverse it; in summary, it was just super fucking overpowered. Sometimes your grandparents didn't even know how old you were anymore with how much you were using it.

It was 'for fun', you had said, after scaring them half to death when they saw you as an old person. Thank god you were always able to revert back to a child (it was always a default whenever you grew tired), or else there was going to be some serious complications.

One of them is taking care of an old person with the mentality of a five-year-old, but has the vocabulary of an adult.

Drake, Smoker, Kuzan, and Borsalino may have found it amusing, but Akainu was a whole different story. He did not find it amusing one bit. Especially because you kept running around Marineford looking like a teenager. Now that would have been fine, except you were wearing clothes a few sizes too small for you, and it looked...

Well one could say it looked off. But that instance only happened twice, and you had learned not to do it again. Speaking of Akainu-

Your eyes flickered up at Akainu curiously as he crouched down to your level. There was a softer expression on his face than his usual stoic outlook, but it was a barely noticeable change, especially to a child.

Except this child was in the form of a teenager.

"Saka?" you asked, tilting your head slightly. "What's wrong? Where's Grandpa and Grandad?"

The man let out a sigh, giving you his hand out for you to take. You eyed it a bit before eagerly holding onto it, giggling a bit as you did so. There was a flicker of emotion in his eyes as he watched you tug him along, but it had disappeared as soon as it came. You forgot about your earlier confusion and was just leading him around Marine Ford.

Usually Akainu would be pissy about this, especially when he has work that needs to be done, but not today. Today, he was in charge of babysitting you.

Your hands gripped onto his own slightly as you walked. They were tiny in comparison to his own, so fragile, and he knew he could probably easily crush them with little effort. But he didn't. You were far more useful when you were happy then when you were crying.

At least, that was what he reassured himself with.

Meanwhile, you were currently happy that you had someone to hang out with. Life on Marine Ford wasn't all that exciting, save for a few choice friends you had. There weren't any girls unless you counted Tsuru, but you were thinking of girls more of your own age. Sure, you could always make yourself into an older person (you did that for fun actually), but it gets old eventually.

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