four - bridges

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the art of building bridges 

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When I received a message from Nico on Tuesday morning, it took me a few moments to adjust to the name popping up on my screen. Five years without any contact had gone by, so I was taken aback by the text coming through. I knew already that it was going to be hard to adjust to being back in New York, especially after so long of not talking to literally anyone. A part of me was questioning whether it was throwing him as much as it was me, was it weird for him to be able to send me a text?

i'll be near dexter's in around ten minutes. is that okay ?

I tugged my bottom lip into my mouth as I read his message, already wanting to change my number and get on a flight to London. But I knew what I signed up for the moment I submitted my application to NYU, so I have to get over myself and grow up. We were friends before anything else, and I needed to remember that.

It didn't have to mean anything.

After texting him back, I went back into the front of the shop, sending Hendrix a tight smile as she conversed with Frankie. I hadn't informed either of them about Nico showing up at my apartment, having dreaded the conversation, but I knew I couldn't avoid it anymore. I rearranged my braids, making sure the scrunchie was tight enough to hold them all up.

The idea of sitting in Dexter's with Nico, in front of Hendrix, made me feel uneasy. Never mind with Frankie here to witness it all too. Should I text him back asking to meet somewhere else? He can't really blame me for not wanting the boy I used to hook up with in the semi-family establishment.

"You alright, Zi?" Frankie's voice drowned out my erratic thoughts, making me look at the boy sitting on a stool in front of me.

"You do know my name's Kezziah, right?" I responded smoothly, rolling my eyes at his insistence for having a different nickname for me. Frankie always had a desperate requirement to be special and, henceforth, memorable. "You sticking around?"

Introducing Frankie to Hendrix had turned out to be a big mistake. It hadn't taken me long to realize that Frankie was the Hendrix to my Kareem/Saint, and their personalities worked too well together to mean anything good for me. Hendrix always seemed so chaotic when in comparison to her friendship group and, though Frankie had calmed down, he was merciless when around someone like Brayden or Hendrix.

I probably should've considered the effect of the introduction before it was made. Kareem had assured me that Hendrix was more than happy to accommodate any of my friends, like she'd done for Sacha when his bandmates used to work here before they managed to secure the record deal. Frankie had begun working since I'd left, having decided that the student debt tied to College wasn't worth it. Kareem had offered to help with the expenses, given how much he was earning from the band, but Frankie was never one to accept support.

He shrugged, sending Hendrix a dazzling smile. "Yeah, why not? I'm not at work until tonight and you've already had your classes right?"

"I've got some work due tonight but it won't take me long." I vaguely answered, bringing my hand to the back of my neck. Every part of me wanted to recoil at the realization that I couldn't just run away from this. "And, uh, Nico's coming in soon for a chat."

Frankie frowned at me, eyebrows furrowing. Hendrix very obviously stopped what she was doing, trying to discreetly listen to our conversation despite the fact it was blatantly obvious what she was doing. He cocked his head at me, "What?"

the art of letting goOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora