five - tequila

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the art of tequila

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It was nearly eleven and the party was in full swing. Music bounced off the walls, playing every house track in sight with whatever inbuilt stereo system was functioning. The entire place smelt like smoke and alcohol, as to be expected. I didn't know half the people there and I was certain I could count on my hand who I actually liked.

There were so many people already and my eyes searched through them, trying to find someone that I even remotely could stand to be around for an extended period of time. Shaylah had a habit of getting lost at parties and I couldn't see her annoying head anywhere. The only two people I knew would be here were Brayden and, consequently, Nico. Brayden stood on one of the tables, trying to balance a cup on his head as he danced and his partner in crime was nowhere in sight.

Did he not come?

After getting myself another drink, attempting to not indulge in too much vodka, I found myself walking towards the back door. The back patio was large and only around ten or so people were lingering around, so I quickly spotted Nico and Frankie sitting on one of the benches.

My eyes were fixated on Nico, his relaxed posture as he leaned back on the white wood, head tipped back to expose his neck. What I didn't notice straight away was the joint in his hand, only spotting it when he released a ring of smoke and took another hit. I made my way towards them, taking into account Nico's casual outfit. Black cargo pants and a snug black shirt that fitted his arms in all the right places, allowing for small glimpses of the tattoos lining his right arm. Frankie was similarly dressed, with the black shirt replaced with a white one that made his lean body look smaller than it actually was.

I would be lying if I said I didn't like their fashion choices.

"Not replying to your texts is considered rude in general society, dumbass." Flicking Frankie's forehead, I announced my presence and sat down in front of them.

At the sound of my voice, Nico lifted his head. Hazel eyes meeting my brown ones.

"Zi!" Frankie chirped up happily, "When did you get here? Shaylah said you weren't coming."

"Where else would I be?" I teased, rolling my eyes at the sight of him stoned.

"Probably with a guy somewhere." Nico chipped in, voice raspy from the joint as he took another drag. "Never were one for parties."

Bridges, Kezz. You're building bridges.

Nico had that teasing glint in his eyes and I knew he was looking for a reaction. I knew him well enough to know that he meant it purposefully though. He was never one to say anything half-heartedly, and the insinuation bothered me.

"Excuse you?" Scoffing, I narrowed my eyes at him. Frankie took the joint out of his hand and ducked his head, as if he was fully aware that I would be willing to argue with Nico right now if he said the wrong thing. "Since when was that me?"

"Just guessing," Nico shrugged. The music from the house served as background noise, but I could still make out the lyrics to a Drake song softly. "I don't know you, remember?"

"If you have an issue with me being here Nicolas, please share it. As much as I thought we were on better terms, I'd love for an excuse to leave." I responded with acquiesce. I hadn't even noticed that Frankie had snuck away.

I took a long sip of my drink, relaxing when the vodka stung my throat.

He just smiled, leaning forward so his forearms were resting on his thighs. The smell of cannabis was stronger when he was closer to me. His eyes flickered to mine, a smile on his face, before they dropped. "You look good, Kezz."

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