twentytwo - letting go

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the art of letting go

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"Move, my arm is falling asleep."


"Kady, you're literally taking up the entire booth."

"I'm not moving."

"A little help here, please?!" Brayden exclaimed, nodding towards where Kady was leaning on him, his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

He could've quite easily just moved his arm, but it'd dislodge her in a way that I knew wouldn't be comfortable. He knew it too, which was exactly why he wasn't moving it.

Kady just snuggled in closer, smiling to herself as Brayden appeared to get more and more frustrated.

And then his phone started ringing.

Kady actually had to move this time, despite her complaints, as Brayden answered the call with a grin on his face.

"Hey-" Brayden cut himself off, eyebrows furrowing as he began hissing into the phone. His smile dropped. "What? No. Tell him that's not happening."

My eyes widened slightly at the harshness of Brayden's voice, which was dramatically different to his usual lightheartedness. I glanced over at Shaylah who looked as confused as I was feeling. Kady was close enough to hear what was being said on the other side of the phone, and even she looked solemn.

"He's not got a match scheduled unt-" Brayden stopped, eyes widening as a scowl decorated his face. "Frankie, give him the fucking phone."


This is what made us concerned. Worry started to etch into my stomach as I watched Brayden's jaw clench. He started to pick up his wallet and coat with his free hand.

"He's not fighting Weber tonight. I don't care." He spat out, standing up as we started to follow him. "Put me on speaker then if the little bitch doesn't want to talk to me. I don't give a fuck - they're not fighting. Don't you dare hang up the phone on me- Hello? Fuck, Nico!"

Kady grabbed my arm, "I'm going to pay our bill. I'll meet you guys later, okay?"

Brayden nodded at her as he walked towards his car, handing her his wallet before walking away.

"Okay, is everythin-" Kady swept back into the diner before I had the chance to finish my sentence, doing nothing but making my worry grow.

"Brayden?" I questioned once I caught up to him and Shay, "The fuck is going on?"

"Nico's trying to get a match scheduled with Weber for tonight." Brayden answered promptly as we climbed into his car. "Nico won't see reason apparently, or wait until he isn't fucking injured."

That's right. Following Nico's lost fight, Brayden had demanded he take three weeks to heal properly before rushing back into the ring. Despite the man's seamlessly endless complaints, he'd acquiesced.

Shaylah shot a wide eyed look at the man. "You're joking, right?"

"I wish." Brayden muttered, the muscle in his jaw jumping with agitation.

He pretty much sped through the streets, trying desperately to get to the gym before it was too late. The moment we arrived, we all jumped out of the car and headed inside as quickly as we could.

"García, I swear to G-" Brayden cut himself off, rushing forward to grab Nico's shoulders as he squared up to Jakob Weber, fist clenched.

"You want to say that again?" He growled out but Weber just turned to look at us, smirk widening as our eyes met. Looks like he didn't expect me to be here.

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