Chapter Eighteen: Picture Perfect

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The vibe during the flight to Athens could not have been more different compared to our previous flight to Rome

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

The vibe during the flight to Athens could not have been more different compared to our previous flight to Rome. Helen sat at the front of the plane, but Teddy's foul mood had been following him around since before we'd boarded. I'd guessed something had happened in his last interview because he'd been his usual playful self over breakfast.

I'd tried to pry, but he hadn't wanted to talk. Instead, I spent the flight editing my Rome blog post until I'd polished it as much as I could. When I asked Teddy if he'd like to read it, he grumbled something unintelligible in response but reached for my laptop.

I turned my attention to the window as I waited for him to finish. Clouds soared beneath us, and I pondered my strategy for Athens, debating whether I should stick to my original plan or go off-piste again. I'd always found Greeks very friendly and laid-back, so I was keen to incorporate something of that nature into the post.

A loud sigh from Teddy interrupted my train of thought. With one hand, he passed the laptop back to me.

"It's good, Soph. Really good."

"Wow. Try saying it like you mean it next time."

"Sorry. Bad day."

"I gather."

That provoked the tiniest smile that almost resembled a silent apology before he rested his head against the cabin wall and stared out of the window.

I uploaded the post, then opened my group chat with the girls. If Teddy wasn't in a conversational mood, I'd use his jet's Wi-Fi to speak to someone who was.

Me: Teddy's in a bad mood. Do you think he suspects?

Becca: Doubt it but don't know what there is to be sad about when you're rich, famous and have girls throwing themselves at you

That slightly bitter response from Becca made me wonder whether she was referring to me in the latter part of her message. With Teddy's mysterious silence looming over me, I wasn't prepared to entertain even more guessing games over my friends' moods.

Me: I'm not throwing myself at him but maybe that would cheer him up if I did

Becca: I wasn't talking about you. A photo has gone viral of him cosying up to some Italian model

What the fuck? I swapped WhatsApp for Twitter, and sure enough, Teddy's name sat at the top of the trending list. That wasn't a surprise in itself. One photo dominated the feed, though, appearing in hundreds of different tweets from both fans and media outlets.

Teddy's arm was draped around the shoulder of a beautiful brunette as they leaned side-by-side against a wall. Despite the casual pose, their heads rested together so closely that it suggested an intimate familiarity. The photo was clearly staged, but their smiles seemed real enough.



Heart of Stoneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें