Chapter Six: License to kill

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"I love that you barely know anything about me, but I can't pretend that part of my life doesn't exist

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"I love that you barely know anything about me, but I can't pretend that part of my life doesn't exist." Teddy gestured towards a gate, and I stepped through it.

A journey that should have been forty-five minutes had taken us over two hours because Mark had noticed someone following us. We'd made a dash to swap cars during a momentary loss of our pursuer, and when they caught up with us again, they followed the original car—not us.

I didn't think it would ever be possible for Teddy Stone to pretend that part of his life didn't exist when he couldn't drive from A to B without a significant detour.

His family's home formed module one on my crash course. My face must have revealed my inner panic when he'd first mentioned going there because he was quick to reassure me that nobody would be in.

"Your story is hardly one of rags to riches, then," I said without thinking, craning my neck to take in the large stone building situated in a very affluent area of Surrey. I could almost hear Becca and Gabby in my head, criticising my lack of tact.

Rather than taking it as an insult, Teddy seemed amused—like he did with every offensive thing I accidentally said.

"Depends on what you class as rags to riches. My family were comfortable, yes. But the money I have now? Nobody in this town has that much in their bank account."

He pushed open the door, its hinges creaking and echoing around the hallway.

"I'm not going to give you the grand tour. We don't have time." He paused, as if waiting for me to make another comment on the size of the house. I didn't bite. "I'll just show you my room."

I followed him up the staircase, my eyes scanning the photos hanging from the wall. A family of four, it seemed. If you didn't know what he did for a living, they would look like a very normal family who enjoyed beach holidays abroad, cultural trips to famous British landmarks, and cosy Christmasses by the fireplace.

"Glad to see you're taking a more subtle approach to getting me in your bed," I said as we reached a small landing and continued up another flight of stairs.

"Didn't realise I wasn't being subtle before."

"You weren't."

"Noted. But don't get too excited. It's only a single, and my tastes in the bedroom require something larger."

That shut me up. With a body and face like his, accompanied by his celebrity status, he'd probably had plenty of practice perfecting his technique and discovering his tastes. I'd been with enough people to know what did and didn't work for me, a long-term relationship significantly contributing towards that, but my mind still wandered there: with his wealth of experience, could he introduce me to something new?

Then I remembered why I was here in the first place, in this house, learning about his lifestyle: Becca. And I pushed away the dirty thoughts, guilt replacing them.

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