Chapter Two: One out of two ain't bad

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I wasn't sure what I'd expected meeting a famous popstar to be like, but perhaps I'd been naïve not to assume that it would be treated like a military operation

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I wasn't sure what I'd expected meeting a famous popstar to be like, but perhaps I'd been naïve not to assume that it would be treated like a military operation. I did think it strange that so many people would be chilling in the hotel lobby at midnight, but at no point did it occur to me that these were all his people, undercover to keep an eye on things.

And he wasn't even in the lobby. That was presumably just to make sure nobody tracked us to the meeting place. In fact, as we took a lift, followed by stairs, followed by another lift, I started to wonder whether the complex route was designed to stop Becca and me from repeating it.

"I'll leave you both here," the man said after a mostly silent journey to the top floor. At least it felt like the top floor. "Teddy is in the room at the end. Have a nice evening."

Becca threaded her fingers through mine, and sensing her onset of nerves, I led the way down the corridor.

"What if he's not very nice in real life? Or if he's exhausted from performing and can't be bothered with us? Oh my God, what if he's—?"

"Bec," I said, squeezing her hand, "it'll be fine. I'm right here with you."

Before she could say another word, I reached out and rapped my knuckles against the door. A few seconds later, it opened inwards, and Becca's grip on my hand tightened to the point of cutting off my blood supply.

Teddy Stone's tall frame filled the doorway, looking every inch the supermodel in ripped jeans and a white, baggy t-shirt. His dark hair was damp, and a relaxed smile played at his lips, dimples that were now visible at such close proximity only adding to his attractiveness.

"Hi," I said with a smile when Becca didn't speak. "I'm Sophia and this is Becca. We're the lucky recipients of the VIP tickets."

"Come on in," he said, his voice sounding much softer when not amplified through a microphone.

He stepped aside, and I nudged Becca forwards, withdrawing my hand from hers. As we passed Teddy, I caught an aroma of fresh cologne and decided that even if I wasn't a fan of his music, I could still enjoy sharing an enclosed space with him.

"Take a seat. Can I get you both a drink?"

Rather than a hotel suite like I'd first assumed, we seemed to be in a lounge or a bar. Evidently it had been hired out by Teddy Stone's team, though, as it was empty save for us and numerous suited men positioned at various points throughout the room.

"Water for me," I said. "Thanks."

Becca bit her lip, no doubt second-guessing every choice in case Teddy Stone didn't approve.

"Becca will have a G and T," I said. "Preferably elderflower tonic, if you have it."

Teddy nodded at someone behind me, and I glanced over my shoulder to see a man already mixing up the drinks.

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