Chapter Thirty: The Bigger Picture

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"So, I was thinking

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"So, I was thinking..." Ed dragged out the sentence with hope yet trepidation.


We lay in bed together, my head resting on his chest and his arm draped over my back. It almost felt romantic, but we'd not yet had that conversation so for now it fell firmly into the category of too-exhausted-to-move-post-sex cuddling.

"How would you feel about joining me on my next photoshoot?"


"Yeah. They want something really sexy, and you're really sexy, so..."

I chuckled against his chest, the gentle thud of his heart lulling me into a relaxed state. "I don't think it's me they're after."

He pinched at my shoulder playfully. "I'll be there, too, obviously. I was thinking about your tattoo and how much it means to you. I want it immortalised."

"Okay, and now I'm thinking about where that tattoo is and how you're planning to immortalise it."

"Anonymously," he said, ducking to kiss my forehead. It was another romantic gesture, and perhaps that was why Ed quickly shifted gears back to sexual. "Or maybe I just want a sexy photo of you to keep me company on lonely nights."

"Hm," I said, not convinced. "I know I've not yet said no to any of your kinky suggestions, but that does not extend outside the bedroom."

"It won't be kinky," he said, completely missing the point. "It'll be tasteful. If you decide to do it. And like I said, anonymous. Unless you do want your face associated with it, but I'm guessing not."

"You guess correctly."

"Your decision anyway. I don't want to pressure you. I've only recently started stepping outside the family-friendly brand myself, so I know it's nerve-wracking. Especially if you're not used to being in front of a camera. In fact, forget I suggested it. It's a stupid idea. They'll have other models on hand who I won't need to worry about traumatising."

Whether his intention or not, I got stuck on the last sentence.

"You'd have to do it with someone else?"

"Maybe. Their photographer's vision is of me with someone else. It's always a bit awkward, though, when you're shooting with a stranger and having to get close and personal with them, holding the same uncomfortable pose for minutes on end while trying to make it look natural."

"Are you trying to make me jealous so I'll agree to it?"

Tension stiffened the muscles beneath my head. "No. God, no. Sorry, that wasn't at all what I was trying to do." He paused. "Why? Are you jealous..?"


"Okay. Good."

"But let's say, theoretically, I did agree to it..."

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