Chapter Ten: On the Guestlist

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When Teddy had said he was on the club's guestlist, so not to worry about the entrance fee, I hadn't thought much of it

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When Teddy had said he was on the club's guestlist, so not to worry about the entrance fee, I hadn't thought much of it. Entrance fees made up only a small portion of a night out's cost. Drinks—even non-alcoholic ones—and taxis hit the bank account the hardest.

However, I hadn't realised just how much it cost to get into this place.

"Five hundred pounds? Is that a joke?"

Teddy took my jacket from me as we waited for the cloakroom assistant to return.

"No. They accept all currencies, too. Depending on the exchange rate, could be even more."

He chuckled at his joke, but I couldn't get my head around it. I delayed my response when the lady returned to take my jacket, not wanting to offend any of the employees, but continued my questioning once we moved away from the cloakroom.

"How do they justify charging so much?"

"It's about safety, not profits," Teddy replied. "It's a deterrent to ensure people aren't coming in purely to cause trouble or snap photos. In turn, those who can afford it are usually celebrities who feel they can relax here."

No photos, then. My question had been a genuine one, but Teddy's response proved more valuable than I'd anticipated.

"It also means you can relax," he continued. "You don't need to worry about anyone watching us or speculating on why we're together. As you're not in the public eye, you're just a random girl."

"The media don't care about you with random girls?" I asked.

That would explain why he so easily got away with screwing fans before kicking them to the curb. Nobody ever found out. And, like Becca, the girls were probably too ashamed to brag about it. Or maybe they'd tried, and his team had silenced them. I imagined that kind of thing happened all the time with celebrities. Our plan was far more subtle and destructive.

"Nah. They don't care. It's only if I'm snapped with other high-profile figures that the rumour mill starts churning. Speaking of..."

Before I could see what he meant, a whirlwind of blonde swept Teddy into a hug, squeezing him tight in an undeniable display of intimacy.

"Ed!" She leaned back, her arms still looped around his neck. "Didn't know you were coming tonight."

She'd appeared so suddenly that small snippets of the scene in front of me registered one at a time. Her intense perfume, an intoxicating blend of sensuality and money. Her American accent, a warm and husky drawl. Her short dress paired with over-the-knee boots that looked just like a set I owned. Hers likely cost ten times as much if she could afford the entrance fee, although perhaps she was on the guestlist, too. She'd called him Ed, and the hug had been cosy. They knew each other well.

The final piece of the jigsaw clicked into place. Fuck. She looked just as beautiful in real life. Flawless skin with bright red lips. Shiny hair scraped back into a high ponytail. Petite body, yet long legs.

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