Chapter Three: Never meet your heroes

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"Bodyguards not with you?" I asked, before immediately regretting it

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"Bodyguards not with you?" I asked, before immediately regretting it.

He'd slept with Becca and had been perfectly polite with me last night—I needed to return that respect even if I did find the protection excessive and slightly insulting.

"Sorry about that," he said, joining me on the step where I'd paused. "I know it's weird, but sometimes it's the only way I can get from A to B without being stopped every five seconds."

"So where are they now?"

His lips curved into a sheepish smile. "Guarding every entrance to the stairwell."

I curled my hand around the banister as my eyes drifted over him. He still looked just as good as last night, although better rested than Becca. Dressed in a white v-neck tee that hugged his muscular torso, the fabric stretching over every contour of his body, he'd attract attention wherever he went, even if he wasn't famous.

"I'm glad I caught you, though," he said. "How's Becca?"

"Tired," I said, unable to hide my smile as I dragged my gaze back up to his face. "I was just on my way to ask for a late check-out."

Teddy pulled his phone from his back pocket. "We'll sort it for you. I think my manager has your room number from the tickets."

"You don't have to do that..."

"It's fine," he replied, already tapping away on his phone. "It's the least we can do after offending you just now."

"You didn't offend me," I said while making a mental note to work on my poker face. "Bear in mind I'm not a fan. I don't get how it all works."

I hoped that would lighten the mood and it seemed to work, Teddy smiling as he slid the phone back into his pocket.

"About that. I honestly had a great time with Becca last night, but I don't know how she's feeling this morning, and I also don't want to come on too strong..."

Come on too strong? Becca would be overjoyed to hear this conversation and realise Teddy Stone was trying to play it cool with her. If he'd broken her heart, then I had no idea how I'd manage to console her.

"I don't think you need to worry about that. Becca won't mind. She'd rather you were honest with how you feel."

Relief washed over his face as he ran a hand through his hair. "Okay. Good. In that case, maybe you and I can get to know each other better? It's not often I meet someone who isn't a fan, so it'd be very refreshing."

I smiled. Becca must have some serious skills in the sheets if she'd managed to make him so keen to impress her friends, too.

"Is it really that unbelievable that someone isn't a fan of you?" I couldn't help but tease.

Teddy laughed. "Unbelievable? Not at all. Liberating? Absolutely."


When I got back to the room, Becca was dressed and packing her suitcase.

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