Chapter Thirteen: A Tempting Offer

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After two weeks of alternating between writing at home and writing in Teddy's suite, I decided I much preferred his place

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After two weeks of alternating between writing at home and writing in Teddy's suite, I decided I much preferred his place. Working there could easily become an everyday habit, and if anyone knew anything about forming harmful habits, it was me.

I should have been pleased that he messaged me whenever we weren't together, but instead it made me nervous. And his latest suggestion downright filled me with dread.

Teddy: So I was joking when I said about you joining me on my Europe interview tour, but I've thought about it and maybe it's not such a bad idea? Content for your blog posts?

How would Becca react? Would she be happy that Teddy was falling for this, or would she hate the concept of us essentially going on holiday together?

It was too fast, too soon. We'd only known each other a month. He had to be playing games with me. Or perhaps the guy really was so full of himself that he thought I'd drop everything for a last-minute trip with him.

"And what exactly would you be dropping?" Gabby asked when I mentioned it to her.

Becca was in the shower, and I needed Gabby's opinion on how it might go down. Despite sometimes misspeaking, Gabby had a sensible head on her shoulders, and through their (former) mutual love of the singer, she had spent plenty of Teddy-related time with Becca over the years.

"Does it matter? The point is that I could have plans, and he thinks I'll cancel them all for him."

She nodded towards my phone. "Pry a little more, then. But"-she grabbed my wrist when I started to reply-"try to be chill about it. Don't let him know that you think it's weird."

Me: Free holiday? Certainly tempting

Teddy: Ha, I feel like you're joking, but it actually would be free

Me: I was joking. You can't pay for my holiday. That's ridiculous.

Gabby tutted from beside me at that, and I opened my mouth to defend myself just as Teddy replied.

Teddy: I'm not paying for you. The plane is booked, the hotels are booked. You just take up a seat nobody is sitting in and a room nobody is sleeping in.

Me: Please don't tell me you're booking out a whole plane and a whole hotel? That's excessive even for you.

Teddy: Yes to the plane, but if it makes you feel better, it's a private jet. Only booking the top floor of the hotel. Security reasons. Privacy reasons. Blah blah blah...

"Even if he is inviting you there under false pretences," Gabby said, "he's still made a valid point. It would be good content for your blog. Monetising something that has cost you nothing. It's ideal, right?"

It was ideal, I had to admit. Other people in my financial position wouldn't turn it down.

"Do you think Becca will be cool with it?" I asked, my eyes flickering towards the bathroom door.

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