'Green Doesn't Suit Everyone' (Bonus Chapter)

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Due to Wattpad removing my book, "F*ck Me Sideways", I'm uploading each bonus chapter into their respective book. Enjoy

"Are you fucking done yet?"

Mia rolled her eyes and adjusted the snug green material around her midsection. It was doing a funny curl right above her muffin top. She smoothed it out and pulled at the seams of the stretchy dress to bring it down to the right length at her knees. There we go.

She turned and looked at herself in the mirror in the dressing room, ignoring the impatient sigh she heard outside. Zoe was supposed to take her shopping, but at the last minute she had gotten her period and chosen to stay home. Nothing was worse than trying on clothes with a leak between your legs, ergo, she had been forced to find a replacement fashion judge... although Eli was perhaps the wrong one to bring since he preferred shredding her clothes rather than admiring them.

But, Mia figured since he was the reason they were here shopping in the first place, he might as well endure the torture of being her shopping bag mule out front in the waiting area.

Pulling the curtain away, she stepped out and did a twirl for him. Eli shifted his eyes after what appeared to be a catatonic staring into the ceiling with his head bent back against the wall. Upon her walking out and showing him the dress she had picked, he let his eyes glide over it.

"So? What do you think?" Mia asked. She personally liked this one. It was a tube tight jade green dress that hugged her curves nicely. It had a V-cut down the middle and had an appropriate length. Not so long she couldn't move, and not so short her thong showed when she sat down. She looked expectantly at Eli and awaited his approval.

"Looks fine," He boredly replied. After a brief glance, he turned his eyes away again and fished out his phone. He started typing away.

Again, Mia had to roll her eyes. She loved him, but sometimes she wished he would take more interest in her and not justher pussy. Or at least pretend to. Maybe if she printed out a mathematical riddle and pasted it on her stomach, he'd take a second glance.

She was just about to head back into the changing room when a whistle suddenly sounded from the open store front. Glancing to her side, she saw four guys passing by the store inside the mall, looking in at her. They were all in loose-fitting T's and low-hung pants. One even wore a cap. They grinned at her and gave her some rather suggestive catcalls.

Funny thing was, the old Mia would've sneered at them and called them pervs, but now, she almost just wanted to laugh andpose for them. At least they cared enough to voice their honest opinion.

But of course, right as she thought that, a certain person decided to wake up and step in front of her. Her eyes lifted and she had to suppress a smirk as Eli stepped up and glared out at the boys. They couldn't have been more than 18-19. At the sight of Eli, in all his muscular, tattooed glory, appearing from his spot behind the wall, their amused faces fell. He gave them one simple look and suddenly they were on their merry way.

Mia crossed her arms as they ran off, then watched Eli turn around to look at her. Of course now he suddenly showed her some interest. She pursed her lips. "You are so goddamn full of yourself."

"Go change," He told her—no, ordered her. His eyes left no question as to that being what was going to happen. That green dress was coming off now before he dressed up in his green suit.

Shaking her head, Mia turned away from him. "Or what?" She quipped. Did he think he could order her around like that? He could think again. "You're gonna glare at me, too?"

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