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"Alright girls, interesting fact of the week!" Anna chided, coming inside Mia's small living room with a bottle of red and three glasses. "Who wants to go first? Mia?"

Mia chuckled and rolled over onto her stomach on the floor where her and Zoe had set up camp. "Alright, I have one. Did you know that the painting of Mona Lisa used to have eyebrows and eyelashes?"

"No shit!" Anna exclaimed, uncorking the wine bottle.

"Cool," Zoe agreed.

"Yeah, but due to poor handling over time and over-cleaning, they disappeared," She told, receiving a glass from Anna who generously poured.

"Oh please, the bitch probably just jumped on the whole 'shave-your-eyebrows-off' trend," Anna snorted, pouring her own glass. "Too bad da Vinci died before he could draw them back on her."

Mia doubled over with laughter, nearly spitting the wine out of her mouth. "What the fuck, Anna?!"

"You can quote me on that," She said, taking a nip. "Alright Zoe, you're next."

"Alright!" She grinned, thoughtfully humming. "Hmm... you know how Pi is infinite, right? That it goes on and on forever?"

"Uhm... yeah?" Mia said, exchanging a look with Anna that showed she didn't really know either. There was a reason neither of them chose math as their major.

"Well, that means that every possible solution to everything and every possible number, code, data – anything – is hidden inside Pi!" Zoe excitedly said. "The cure to cancer could be in there, the vaccines to Ebola, even the date when Earth is going to explode into a giant ball of—"

"Okay, we get it!" Anna quickly interfered. "No need to go Armageddon on us. So Pi is the answer to life?"

Zoe snapped her fingers and winked. "Bingo."

"Alright, that means you're up," Mia said, grinning at Anna. "What interesting thing did you learn this week?"

"I got the best one," She smirked, taking a long sip of her wine to prolong the suspense. "I learned that girls are more likely to fall for the bad boys rather than the good ones."

"Really?" Mia scoffed. "I have a hard time believing that. Who'd want to choose bad over good?"

"But see, that's the thing!" Anna said, pointing her finger triumphantly into the air. "We subconsciously do it all the time! As we all know, every time we see something we want, we get that thrill – also known as adrenaline," She smirked. "And adrenaline goes hand in hand with dopamine which as we also know is more commonly known as the pleasure hormone," She winked. "It's basically what triggers the mighty O."

"Okay, so what you're saying is..." Mia said, furrowing her brows in concentration.

"That we fall for bad boys because the thrill of the danger of being with them releases adrenaline which eventually triggers the dopamine," Anna replied. "And voila, there you have it; the reason why Eli is so goddamn sexy and why we all want to fuck him."

Mia nearly choked on a sip again, causing her to cough and hack. "Jesus, Anna! Could you be more blunt? And wrong, by the way?"

"Uh yeah, I get he's hot and all, but he's not my type," Zoe said, wrinkling her nose. "He's more of a bro-kinda-guy. You know, the friend-type."

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