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Mia heaved in a wheezy breath when the thoughts kept swirling around in her head like the worst kind of carrousel on the planet, but still, one somehow managed to stayed above them all; Could Eli really be the genius?

There was only one way to find out.

Quickly before anyone saw, Mia ripped the one page with the scribbles out of Zoe's math book, hoping she wouldn't notice for a while, just like she obviously hadn't noticed the writing yet, either. If she had, she would've gone crazy and she definitely would've told someone. Mia therefore deduced that she hadn't and stuffed the scrap of paper into her pocket before closing Zoe's book and putting it back on the table where she had left it, just as Zoe returned from the bathroom.

"Hey, I'm back," She announced needlessly. "I'm getting hungry though, do you wanna get out of here and call it a day, I'm—Mia? Are you okay?" Zoe suddenly asked and granted her a wary look when she noticed how pale Mia had gotten all of a sudden.

The thing was, it had just occurred to Mia that if he really was the genius, she had fucked him; Fucked a goddamn mastermind – sucked on his cock. Mia could hardly fathom it, let alone put it into context inside her head.

So much made sense now... and yet so little.

Shaking her head, Mia quickly plastered a fake smile on her lips and looked up at her friend who was still waiting for an answer. "What? I'm perfectly fine, I think I was just having one of those brainfart thingies you talked about. Totally spaced out."

Zoe frowned a little, as if not really believing her, but chose not to push the subject any further and leave her alone. "Riiight, okay. So anyways, as I was saying, do you wanna go grab some food? I'm starving," She said as she begun to gather her things. "I don't think I'll get more work done tonight anyway, my thoughts are all over the place."

Preaching to the choir, Mia thought to herself and sucked in another breath. "Uh, actually, I think I'm just gonna go home once I'm finished here. I'm super tired. Raincheck?"

"Sure. See you tomorrow then." Zoe smiled, bending down to give her a quick hug before she then trotted off. Mia quietly watched her leave before her mind then zoned back in on the new information it was still trying to process, churning and steaming. It truly was mind-blowing. She didn't even know where to go from here.

But the way she saw it, there were two things she could do now; A – go up to Eli and confront him point blank about him being the Genius. Confirmation at this point was hardly needed, but given as stranger coincidences had happened, it was better to be safe than sorry before she went to the media with it. This would definitely be the easiest way to get the truth, but also the riskiest; He could throw another full fledged tantrum like he did when she confronted him at Low Point, where he pinned her up against the door, fuming down at her. What had happened next was of course what Mia wanted to avoid, finding herself getting bent over and fucked into oblivion again.

Or did she?

Shaking her head and forcing herself to focus, Mia quickly considered her second option, plan B; Creating a mystery.

This one would definitely be the most satisfying, but also the hardest. It all basically boiled down to the fact of wanting to fuck a little with him, like he had been fucking with her for days – stringing her along.

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