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Really recommend listening to this while reading.

"What are you doing here?"

The door to Eli's room got shut and locked after Mia stepped inside.

He wasn't even looking at her. Just leaning up against the wall furthest away from her, back facing her, hand on the padded wall.

"I came to see you," Mia shakily replied, on the brink of tears. After all she had seen, all she wanted was to hold him. Only she knew he would never let her.

He slowly turned around and glared at her, his eyes so cold and murderous, Mia felt ice run through her veins. "Did you see what you wanted or was I too clothed?"

Oh God, did he have to do this? "Eli..."

"No, tell me. Was it everything you hoped for?" He drawled, now stalking up to her slowly, watching her like a prey. "Did it live up to your satisfaction?"

"Why would it—"

He smacked his hand against the wall right next to where her head was. Mia silenced a scream and glared up into his eyes as he towered over her. "Don't fucking bullshit me, just tell me the truth. What did they offer you?"

"O-offer... me?" Mia whispered.

"Shut up. I know it wasn't money, you've got enough of that to wipe your ass with and still be rich by the time you retire, so tell me, what was it?" He growled, leaning down to her face. "Did they promise you an education or a job anywhere you wanted? Your name get mentioned for when they get a breakthrough? Or was it just next month's issue of Scientific America?"

"You think... they bribed me?" Mia's mouth fell open. She felt offended with the accusation. "You think I gave you up? Eli, I didn't—"

"I said shut up!" He roared, punching the wall now. Mia flinched and tried to get away, but he grabbed her arm and pushed her up against the wall again, locking his hand around her throat like he always did when he got pissed. "I know you fucking did it, nobody else knew. I even fucking asked them, they said my friend at the school gave me up. That's you, Mia. Or at least I thought you were my friend, but I guess that was just bullshit too, wasn't it?"

Mia felt a tear run down her cheek. How could he not trust her? How could he think that she was the one who gave him up? After everything, the things they'd done together... did he think it was all a show while she waited for the payment to transfer? She felt hurt. "Eli, I didn't give you up. It was Anna, she told them! She found out, she—"

"And now you're shooting the blame over to one of your friends, the one who conveniently enough is currently your enemy," He scoffed, leaning down to her so their noses touched. His eyes were like staring into the barrel of a gun. "Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?"


"What was the first thing you did when you saw me for the first time? You hated me, purely based on my looks. What did you do the first time you talked to me? Judge me, without knowing all the facts, without being fully informed. And after having fucked me, what was it that you did?" Eli growled and waited for long, cold moment, where all Mia did was cry silently. "You accused me of being a thief. It was only after I was revealed as a fucking genius you suddenly wanted to help me. What, a fucking, coincidence."

Genius (CENTURIES series: Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now