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Please turn it up for Samsara.

A couple of days passed where Mia didn't see anything of Eli. Of course she was still working on her art piece and focusing on school and all that, but she just couldn't help but look for him. She couldn't spot him in the hallways where he was supposed to be cleaning, and since she still hadn't confided in her friends about... whatever her and Eli was, she couldn't very well ask them if they'd seen him or heard him.

It wasn't until Mia walked down a lonesome hall, away from the drowsiness of her school day, when a hand suddenly gripped her arm and yanked her sideways into a broom closet. She screeched when she didn't get a chance to see who it was before the door was closed and she was slammed up against it. Her eyes focused in the dimly lit claustrophobic room and that's when she saw him. "Eli! Jesus Christ, where have you been—"

He gripped her hair before she could finish and mashed his lips against hers, claiming them and simultaneously pressing her firmly up against the door. Mia gasped and gripped on to his shoulders, instantly feeling her insides burn with the same fire that was blazing through him. It was contagious.

His hands moved down over the column of her throat, surely feeling her rapidly beating pulse. The other went below her ass and squeezed it up, pressing it against his rock-hard front, all the while his mouth worked on hers, leaving her breathless. She could feel him hardening through his janitor suit, her own need growing as well. Fuck, this was about to get wild.

Throwing her hands up against the door and pinning her there, he tore his lips from hers and moved down her throat, sucking, biting, ripping moan after moan from her mouth with each savored brush of his lips. She ground herself against him, circling her leg around his and begun panting. "Eli..."

Good God, what was he doing? If they got caught for real this time...

Oh, screw it, She thought and fought her arms out of his to grip onto the zipper of his suit, frantically pulling it down, clawing it off him. He let her, only to grab her skirt, yank it up and rip her panties down. She stepped out of them on the floor, and before she could move again, he lifted her up off the floor, her legs automatically cinching themselves around his hips. His mouth found hers again, dominating her once more. She gripped onto his shoulders, dragging her fingers up through his hair. And then in a wild thrust, he penetrated her.

Mia cried out, Eli ramming into hard and repeatedly. She hung onto him, her lips parting in hitched breaths. She clawed her nails down his back, just like his teeth bit into her neck. She wouldn't last long.

"Fuck, Eli!" She hollered, throwing her head back, knocking it against the door. But she couldn't control her movements. Her ōrgasm surprised her and ripped through her like a bulldozer. When she screamed, one of his hands found her mouth and muffled her sounds, but she just couldn't stop.

When she finally had a breath to spare, she ran her fingers through his hair, gripping on to his roots, yanking at his head. She heard him grunt in approval and felt him squeeze her rear. It only made her purr out a garbled sentence that in no way could be consider English. How could he make her into such a mess every time he fucked her?

His hips kept thrusting oh-so hard and deliciously into hers, pinning her with each one and bumping her ass against the door. He was hitting her so deep and so perfectly, exploding stars started decorating her vision. He felt so long and thick inside her, he always did. His aggressiveness had her pining for more, which was funny, because in the past she had never been one for the wild, but now that she was fucking Eli, hard was the only way she wanted it. For now, anyway.

Genius (CENTURIES series: Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now