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She stepped over the broken shards of glass from the exhibition displays, gaping like many of the other students at the horrific sight that met them that morning.

She knew the minute she pulled into the parking lot that something was wrong. Police officers, eager reporters and a crowd of people weren't something she normally woke up to every morning. She expected a break-in from the looks of the shattered glass front doors, but the damage inside was more than she could've ever envisioned.

Graffiti was splashed across the bright white walls, across the floors, even some on the ceiling and the windows. But as if that wasn't enough, almost all of the showcase cabinets had been knocked over and/or broken into, damaging its historically important artifacts inside. The hallway was completely trashed, the same hallway she had loved walking down every morning.

"They say they caught the guy who did it," Her friend Anna told, coming up to Mia, holding a bunch of heavy psychology books in her arms. "Apparently he's done stuff like this before. The judge ordered him to 400 hours of community service since he's only twenty. Can you believe it? A twenty-year-old did all of this. That's practically our age."

"You of all people should know that age doesn't take responsibility for your actions," Mia strong-heartedly replied. She looked at the beautiful hall that now looked like any New York subway station. "I hope this dickhead will suffer where he's going and that his community service involves picking up shit with his bare hands."

"Whoa, easy there," Anna chuckled, looking amused at her friend. "Since when did you get so mouthy?"

"Since some bastard ruined my hallway!" She seethed, crossing her arms. "If I ever see him, I'll murder him."

"Well, you might get your wish, Cindakiller," Anna replied. "His community service is being doled out here. He has to work here as a janitor and clean up his own mess."

"What?!" Mia nearly choked on her own saliva and glared incredulously at her friend. "He's coming to work here?! Have they lost their fucking minds?! That's like... like bringing a thief to work at a bank, counting the money! Are they shitting us?"

"They really aren't, but you, missy, have lost your usage of the fine English language," Anna said with a raised brow. "I never knew vandalism brought out such a cavewoman side of you."

"Look at what he's done!" Mia shouted, gesturing into the hallway they were standing in, their feet swimming in glass shards. "Precious artifacts are broken, priceless paintings have been ruined by graffiti! I'll be damned if it doesn't piss me off!"

"Alright, settle down," Anna sighed. She placed one of her hands on Mia's shoulder. "You're mad, I get it. Let's just head to class, I'm sure they'll have all this sorted out by the end of the first lecture. Come on, hon."

Giving one last glance to the hallway she felt physical sympathy for, Mia sighed silently and then nodded. "Fine. Let's go."


"Are you done yet?" She looked at Anna who was still going through all her notes. "I want to get to lunch, let's go find Zoe!"

"Hold on, I'm just making sure I have everything," Anna replied, distracted. "Do you know how many notes you have to take during psychology class? Oh no, you don't; all your work is on a single canvas and the only thing you have to bring to class is your talent."

"Hey," Mia snapped, glaring offended at her. "Art students do a lot more than just sit around and paint. You have to study the historical works of significant artists, learn the distinctive pattern between—"

"Alright, I get it, I'm sorry, I'm just stressed," Anna cut her off with a tired sigh. "It's just exam pressure. I don't know how I'm gonna get through it all."

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