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Eli took a step back, dropping his bag. His eyes snapped to Mia as the policemen walked closer. "What the fuck did you do?!"

"I-I didn't—"

The police men passed by Mia and went for Eli who instantly stepped back and begun fighting them when they grabbed him.

"Get your fucking hands off me!"

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do—"

"Will be the same I fucking do to your mama!" He snarled and violently shoved the officer away, balling up his fists. That only resulted in one them using his baton, striking him repeatedly. Mia screamed as Eli blocked the hits with his arms, trying to grab the baton from him. That's when all four policemen forcefully grabbed him and shoved him up against the wall, face first. They pinned him there, locked his arms on his back and then cuffed him, all the while Mia and Anna both stood there, watching; Anna in shock, Mia crying and shaking.

"Let's go, Elijah."

"Wait!" Mia protested. "On what grounds are you arresting him? He didn't do anything wrong!"

"They're not fucking police, Mia."

"Come one," The officers said again and yanked Eli along who refused to follow. "We have a tranquilizer and we've been ordered to use it if you don't follow willingly. Either follow us on your own two feet or get dragged out of here unconscious. What's it going to be?"

"Why don't you fucking take that needle and fuck each other backwards with it—"

"Eli!" Mia breathed, shocked. "Eli, just stay calm, we can fix thi—"

"Miss, were going to need you to step aside," One of the officers said and pushed her away, not-so-gently.

"Hey! Don't fucking push me, and leave him alone!"

The men ignored her and started dragging Eli away who with all his strength was fighting against them. He had been right; there was no way these men were police. They wore the right uniform, but they were all big, strong and muscular and looked exactly like government officials.

Shattered, Mia watched as they dragged him down the hall, towards the exit, towards the media madness. She ran after him, forcing her legs to move, but stopped up abruptly when they opened the school doors and shoved him out; the cameras went off.

Everyone took his picture. Everyone shouted at him. The 'police' men were rushing him away from them all, shoving aside the crazy mob of people who wanted to get a glimpse of him. Eli kept his head down, trying to shield his face from the flashes of the cameras. Even so, Mia managed to get a glimpse of his face. He looked murderous, even more so now when people were trying to reach out and touch him like he was a holy, famous celebrity. Which, in the science world, he now was.

"The notorious Genius has finally been revealed—"

"The police is escorting the surprising and mysterious Genius out of the building—"

"Close eyewitnesses describes the Genius as urban-looking, with tattoos on his skull—"

"Everyone out of the way!" The men yelled at the people and paparazzi who were shoving each other aside to get a picture of the Genius. Eli and the 'police' finally made it to a black vehicle, and all Mia could do was watch as they sealed him off behind the tinted windows of the van and then drove him off.

Genius (CENTURIES series: Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now