Part 42

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It was a surprise to find out that you'd be meeting more of Tom's family than just his mother and sisters during your brief trip to London. Meeting so many of the people who helped to shape the man you'd fallen in love with was an absolute blessing. It had been a lovely day filled with laughter, games, and good food. Why had you been so nervous this morning?

The group is starting to disperse now, those that live close by heading back to their respective homes, the few spending the night excusing themselves to tuck the children in. You get up from your spot tucked into the sofa next to Tom to help make sure Diana's kitchen is clean before the pair of you head home for the night. Emma is standing by the sink holding a towel ready while her mother rinses the last of the dishes.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

They both pause to smile at you and Emma holds out the towel. "If you dry them, I'll put them away."

You had interrupted a conversation. It takes a second for Diana to speak. "Tomorrow will be quieter. And don't listen to Tom again, make him bring a travel bag – there's plenty of room here for the pair of you to stay the night."

Emma looks surprised, "You're not staying the night?"

"You'll be back in time for breakfast, right? Otherwise I might need to go back up and exchange a promise made." Sarah had been putting the little ones in bed and overheard the conversation as she came into the kitchen. Your expression must have conveyed surprise. She explains herself, leaning against the countertop next to her mother, "My son has developed a slight attachment."

You smile at her before turning your attention to wiping down the inside of the glass Diana had handed you. "He's absolutely adorable, Sarah. I'll make sure we're back in time for breakfast."

"It seems there are two men of the household taken with you now, ________. You know..."

She lets the sentence fall off as Tom comes into the room. "Oh? I have competition now?"

You look up to catch the tail end of Emma making a face at her sister. Whatever comment was about to be spoken has been cut off by Tom walking into the room. You grin at him, "Your nephew – and it's hardly a competition, Tom – he's winning by a mile. It's those irresistible dimples. He had me from the first time he smiled."

Tom fakes a mortal wound, throwing both hands over the center of his chest. "He steals the heart of the woman I love and even steals my moves...." He rights himself and turns about, taking a few steps towards the stairs Sarah had descended.

"Tom?" You're still giggling over his reaction. "Where are you going?"

He turns back to nod at the room, grinning broadly. "To tell him the importance of the thing he's claimed. And possibly steal it back from him, if I can."

You jump to pursue him, grabbing his arm just as he reaches the far end of the kitchen. "You stubborn man, don't you dare wake your nephew. I was kidding."

"Even so..." he pauses to scoop you into his arms, "I'll be excessively romantic while you're here. Maybe take the scenic route on the way home. Just to be safe."

Oh hell – you're blushing again – but you'd been the first to break the ban on flirting today.

Tom's suggested approach to wooing you makes Diana frown again. "Tom please don't drive her all over the countryside. I'll worry enough about the pair of you driving back and forth as it is. Won't you reconsider staying the night? We'll find something for the pair of you to sleep in – and clothes for tomorrow. Tom I know you've got something suitable stashed around here somewhere. And Emma? Sarah? We can find something for _______, can't we?"

You've Only Just Arrived (a Tom Hiddleston fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now