Part 64

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  Previously in YOJA: Tom is temporarily living with you in LA - a golden opportunity that couldn't be missed, though circumstance will soon be changing. Soon he'll be back in London and then on to other projects, and you will be moving from location to location in a rush to finish the sequel to the movie that essentially put you on the map. Before you can get back to worrying about the challenges a long distance relationship can pose you need to sit down and talk a few things out with him. Coming home to find the place a disaster, music blaring, and Tom not answering when you call for him – you can't help but wonder if maybe the world is trying to punish you for past offenses. 

He'd come home late and snuggled close in bed, shushed you back to sleep after a simple kiss. You'd relented. You should have paused this morning to enjoy the moment more. You should have greeted him with more than a hazy hello before drifting back to sleep. When you were preparing for the morning run a few hours later you should have woken him to see if he wanted to go.

Instead you'd let him sleep – left him softly snoring, his long form hidden beneath the tangle of sheets and comforter. Had you even kissed him before tiptoeing out into the main room? You'd been so sure he would be there, still tucked away in bed, upon your return.

Internally you're cursing a streak a mile wide. Mark would be indignant if he were present.

"Hiddleston! Tom!" Richard walks with purpose through the main room, towards the bedroom – the source of the music. He disappears down the hallway, repeating his call for your boyfriend to appear.

For a moment you are alone, standing transfixed in the doorway. Really, you should be right there on Richard's heels. Why aren't you? Why did you listen and hesitate just inside the door? Fear. As soon as Richard reacted your body had betrayed you, seized up at the thought of another intruder. If someone else has broken in there's nothing to it – that'll be the end of your tenancy.

The upbeat nature of the song currently playing is only making matters worse. That's what you should be doing – finding the source of the music and turning it the fuck down! You take another few steps to bring yourself closer to the hallway.

You jump when Richard suddenly emerges from the bedroom, his face flushed. He is shaking his head and holding his hands up to show you everything is alright. As he walks towards you the music lowers to a decibel more civil for this time of the morning.

Everything's alright? Everything's alright. He's found Tom. Tom will appear soon, grinning and...

Richard's face has gone scarlet. You've come to the cusp of the main room, right where the hallway connects. Richard bypasses you, waving an open palm towards the bedroom. "He's... Up. Awake. Ah... You two..."

What on earth?

You make it three steps down the hallway before Tom emerges, rushing out of the bedroom with one hand grasping the upper edge of a towel that he has wrapped around his waist. Upon seeing him relief overwhelms you. He's ok. Recently showered. Looking a little worn, certainly confused. He can join the club. You stumble forward to wrap him up in your arms. "Tom!"

Tom wraps one arm around your torso as he accepts your rush of affection, even if he doesn't understand why. "Why didn't you wake me? I would've gone running, too?"

Not quite ready to step away from him, you give your head a half shake, "You only just got home. You should be asleep..." Should be, but instead is up and waltzing around the bedroom half-naked. You take the opportunity to thunk him hard on his pectoral, only to rest your hand lightly over the area immediately afterwards.

"Only need a few hours. And apparently you've infected me with the once-you're-up-you're-up affliction." In this half-hug he has you in he gives your shoulders a squeeze and then proceeds to step away and hold you at arm's length. Looking from you to Richard, who has settled into one of the overstuffed chairs in the main room, he frowns, "So other than the run, what did I miss?"

You've Only Just Arrived (a Tom Hiddleston fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now