Part 7

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When Tom promised you dinner at home you had half expected him to have something delivered... he'd had an early call time that morning after all. Why hadn't you considered that Tom wanted to cook for you? He had tried to plant you in a chair at the table while he worked but you wandered to find a better spot to watch him move about the kitchen.

You've ended up settling just off to his left where the L shaped counter provides a corner for you to stay tucked out of the way. Incidentally this spot also gives you the best view when he turns to the stove... Sure, you're setting yourself up for some sort of trouble but honestly your body has been humming ever since your interrupted greeting in his dressing room.

Watching Tom cook is incredibly, wonderfully, distracting. Scratch that, watching him breathe is distracting, everything else just compounds the problem. While preparing the meal Tom entertains you with stories about his day, waving whatever utensil happens to be in hand as though it were a weapon. You eye him wielding the knife while he dices the vegetables and talks about the next few days of work.

"Though we are all well trained in swordplay we won't be fighting with weapons – at least, not yet."

You had always found it easier to learn without the distractions of props or costumes, but then some people complained that the added weight was a distraction later. "I'd imagine that would make it easier to learn the footwork? Or were you just looking forward to swatting at your costars?" You move close to him and reach out to provide emphasis to the comment by running your hand over one of his shoulder blades and down following the muscle definition.

He stills under your touch and then looks sideways at you over his shoulder. "Darling it isn't called swatting when you do it with a sword in hand."

"Hmm oh of course not." He stoops slightly as you stretch to kiss him on the cheek, reading your movements with ease and making it easier for you to hit your target. You have to remind yourself that the man is trying to cook, a much easier task when not dealing with distractions.

You have observed him retrieve things enough that you feel confident that you could get the flatware out to set the table. Your first attempt rewards you with the drawer of utensils. You hum as you gather what you hope are the needed wares.

"What are you doing?"

You stop humming to respond. "Setting the table? Helping - I hope. Trying to stay out of the way. I miss having a kitchen – that will change soon I hope."

"Oh? Plates are just over there."

"Remind me and I'll show you the pictures of the places on my phone. Mark says I just need to sign the papers for whichever place I choose. Although..."

Later. You'll have that conversation later – after dinner, after a good night's sleep, after they reinstate Pluto as a planet... You really don't want to start this conversation but you opened the door, might as well walk through it.

"Mark said that they've decided on doing a sequel to Touring Sundays." It comes out in a quick, nearly unintelligible stream of words.

Very good. Nice panicked transition to the conversation.

Tom has stopped what he was doing to turn to you. "That's wonderful! Though I thought you would be dancing with excitement?"

You pinch the bridge of your nose as you scowl to yourself. Well done you for bringing up the topic that you wanted to avoid.

"I am excited..." you can't suppress the smile that surfaces when Tom tilts his head down to give you a doubtful look, though your smile quickly fades again. Not entirely wanting to voice your thoughts, you lock your fingers together before unclasping them again. Why do you insist on making things awkward? You emit a small shrug, "Well, Jack & Emily will be filming here. Touring Sundays filmed in so many different locations. I can't imagine that being different for the sequel. Does it make sense to stop living out of a bag? I can't help but wonder now ... Oh... Ok... ok, I can't organize my thoughts. Sorry. Sorry.... The success of Touring Sundays – the award - which is still so astounding I'm half expecting them to call me up and ask for it back. The most I ever hoped for was a nod of recognition, maybe a 'put in a few more years kid', but never what actually happened."

You've Only Just Arrived (a Tom Hiddleston fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now