Part 4

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Once again you wake up entirely too early of your own accord. To work out some of your nervous energy you wander down to the weight room to run for a bit. You realize belatedly that you've left your phone in your room but you don't need your phone for the half hour you plan on running, right? Your callback isn't scheduled until ten which gives you plenty of time to obsess over every little detail you can imagine into being before having to slip into the persona of Emily and hopefully finally get confirmation regarding the part.

Comfortably tired from the workout, you head to the elevator to go back up to your room and happen to spot your new friend - the security guard from last night - leaving as he gets off his shift. He looks even younger in plainclothes. Quite the shift, you marvel, for someone so young - but then you held odd jobs while you were working in the theater, just so you could afford your rent.

You give him a friendly wave which he returns with an exhausted but happy smile. On the elevator you remind yourself to relay your promise to Tom when you call him later in the day. You've decided on calling him around lunchtime so as to hopefully not interrupt his day. He made you promise that you would call but wasn't so specific as to when after you went to the callback.

A glance at your phone tells you that half an hour without it, while freeing, is now impractical. Numerous messages now greet you.

Knock them dead honey.

From your mother.

The award looks great - go get us another to match!!!

From your father, with an attached photo of him making a goofy face next to your award in the newly built cabinet.

Mark had sent a series - first regarding the fanmail that he wanted to pass on to you at your earliest convenience, a.k.a. come clear some of this clutter from my workplace - followed by directions to the building where you needed to go today, of which you still had from when he had given them to you earlier in the week - a brief pep talk... remember your training, yadda yadda yadda - and then an oddly phrased text requesting that you call him after lunch because by that time he thought he would know something you would like to hear.

You had sent him the list of places that you had been interested in renting while you stayed in town, perhaps he would have news regarding that? You can't live in the hotel forever, despite how tempting it would be to do so.

Matt also opted for a series of texts:

If they don't choose you for Emily they're mad. -x

Followed by:

Can't wait to see you and discuss your new beau. -x


Laura said the pair of you went house hunting without me. You owe me drinks! -x

You try to remember where he is and what he is doing at the moment, judging if you can call and chat. Is he doing interviews or is it something about a photo shoot for a magazine?

The next text doesn't help you decide which activity occupies him:

The makeup trailer seems empty without you. When will we coerce someone into making Touring Sundays 2? -x.

You save the texts from Tom for last.

Good morning darling. Don't forget your promise to call.

Or what Tom, you grin.

Before protesting again, my phone is on silent and I will be checking my messages at every available moment until I hear from you.

You've Only Just Arrived (a Tom Hiddleston fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now